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Friday, June 15, 2018

Democrats in Maryland main concern is removing Trump! Not jobs, drugs, murders, schools!!!


  1. Simple prioritization; remove the first and worst problem, the rest will follow.

  2. Somebody made an extra batch of Kool Aid.

  3. 8:34 you are an idiot and a traitor.

  4. Using my best "Doctor Evil" voice - - Muhahahahahahaaaaaaa! Moron's galore!

    Our first priority should be to remove all of the liberals!

  5. Well, than, there now. That explains why I was born a republican and will remain a republican. Well until a better gig rolls in. Not all that happy with many in the republican party.

    Trump/Pence forever!

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 15, 2018 at 9:45 AM

    It is Not Their Job to be cocerned about President Trump. Their Job is to Represent and be Concern about needs of Maryland Citizens. But of course, as we know it, Democ-rats have their priorities backwards, so people br aware at the voting booth.

  7. 9:00
    While I agree with you 8:34 has a point. We removed Obama and look at the jobs that are coming back, look at the low unemployment, look at the economy. The problem with 8:34 is they don't know where the problem lies.

  8. LOL 8:34 You low information peons are a riot. You have only succeeding in proving you are nothing but a dumbed down product of the US "education" system who needs to get off the shore once in awhile and see what's going on in the real USA. Now let me school you since you are in dire need of being educated so you don't repeat the lies you hear on Fake News and prove to other you have the IQ of an imbecile. People's confidence is way up. Homes are selling and not being foreclosed on more now then in many years. There are more jobs then people so this means employers have to compete for employees by offering higher wages and benefits. I know that is probably too much for you imbeciles to understand but I thought I would toss that in here. Unemployment is lowest in years and minorities are the biggest winners on that. Retail and the stock market are doing excellent. I could go on but at this point if you won't admit President Trump is doing excellent then all it proves is you cant' stop that lying all you Trump haters do constantly. You people are a sick lying low class raised by trash worthless wastes of air.

  9. They will not respond to you if you are not in their District even though they are in positions where they represent the complete State. They even have the audacity to claim they represent Marylanders when they act important with the news media. They never say my District. Remove this DumbocRATs quickly.

  10. That's because democrats in MD are like democrats everywhere. The only thing a democrat excels at is lying. democrats have not and will not ever contribute anything positive to society so they have nothing to run on. They have never and will not ever accomplish anything except making messes so their only hope to win elections is to pandered to the dumbed down and demonize Republicans.

  11. My dad was a Republican all of his life. He died at 72 years old. So I guess
    now he is a Democrat. Just saying.

  12. Democrats have done nothing to improve life in Maryland just more anti business laws and regulations and raise taxes.

  13. It's none of their business who the President. WE the people put him there and he WILL stay there. For at least one more term. Guaranteed.


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