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Saturday, June 09, 2018

Democrat Support for Israel’s Right to Self Defense Far From Guaranteed in Congressional Battle

In the wake of new congressional resolution to support Israel's right to self defense amid a massive and unending wave of Palestinian violence stoked by Hamas, Democrat support for the Jewish state's defense remains in question, according to a top lawmaker pushing the new pro-Israel measure.

The bipartisan resolution, recently introduced by Reps. Lee Zeldin (R., N.Y.) and Josh Gottheimer (D., N.J.), would put Congress firmly on Israel's side as it takes defensive measure to protect its citizens from a wave of violence sponsored by the terrorist group Hamas, according to a copy of the resolution obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

While such a measure would have gained broad bipartisan support in years past, a growing anti-Israel wave in the Democrat Party is making support for the latest measure controversial, according to Zeldin, who spoke about this growing trend in an interview with Free Beacon.


1 comment:

  1. Democrats only support issues related to Terrorist. Most Democrats claim to be Christians but are against Israel but they support ISIS and Muslim Islamic Terrorist? Explain. That is like stating I am a Christian but I support the Devil.


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