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Saturday, June 02, 2018

Deadbeat son claims he’s too broke to pay child support

He’s not just a deadbeat son, he’s also a deadbeat dad.

Michael Rotondo — the 30-year-old upstate man whose own parents sued him to get him out of the housecomplained he was too broke to pay child support for his 8-year-old son, yet somehow managed to plunk down nearly $10,000 for a storage unit that has housed his busted 1989 Chevy Camaro for the past five years, according to court records obtained by The Post.

Rotondo fought the mother of his child tooth and nail in Onondaga County Family Court in 2016 when she asked for an increase in support — from a mere $25 a month.

“He terrorized me,” the 33-year-old woman railed to The Post Friday, hours after the unemployedRotondo was kicked out of his parents’ Camillus home by court order following eight years of rent-free living.

The single mom, who asked to remain anonymous, said Rotondo owes about $2,500 in child support. He was ordered to pay $56 a week last year by a judge after the mom filed a petition in October 2016, court papers show.



  1. Hey that isnt anything, Im owed 25,500 and havent gotten a cent since 2005. And that totalled 21.04 cents.

  2. Somebody tell this jerk to move to Ocean City. It has a growing and prosperous homeless population. Just needs to bring his own bedding but the Town has LOTS of bus shelters.

  3. Mental illness is starting to sound like a facet of this life.

  4. 7:57 it's probably drugs.


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