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Saturday, June 16, 2018

Corey Stewart wins GOP Senate nomination in nail-biter

Prince William Board of County Supervisors Chairman Corey Stewart won the Republican nomination to challenge Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., Tuesday night.

Stewart fought off an unexpectedly tough challenge from Virginia state lawmaker and former Green Beret Nick Freitas. E.W. Jackson, the 2013 Republican nominee for lieutenant governor, ran a distant third.

The contest highlighted regional and generational divides within the Republican primary electorate, as Stewart embraced President Trump, Virginia's Confederate heritage symbols, and a strong stance against illegal immigration. Freitas aligned himself with more libertarian Republicans nationally, including Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and pressed Stewart to distance himself from the "alt-right," whcih reached new levels of infamy in Virginia after a Charlottesville rally left one counterprotester dead.


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