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Monday, June 04, 2018

Breaking News: The Supreme Court sided with a Colorado baker, voting 7 to 2 in a closely watched case pitting gay rights against claims of religious freedom

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, writing for the majority, relied on narrow grounds, saying a state commission had violated the Constitution’s protection of religious freedom in ruling against the baker, who had refused to create a custom wedding cake for a gay couple.


  1. A great example of media Bias is that CNBC has a headline that states.. "Supreme Court rules narrowly for Colorado baker who wouldn't make same-sex wedding cake"

    Yet the decision was 7-2 so how is that "Narrowly"

  2. Technically the baker won, but at a huge cost. He not only had to incur legal fees for years, but he also had to stop selling any wedding cakes in his shop during the years-long course of this litigation. So now that it’s clear that the Colorado government violated the baker’s constitutional rights and damaged his business and his reputation, where does he go to get restitution? Oh that’s right, nowhere. There’s no real justice for this guy, but we can be sure that the gays will continue their relentless lawfare against any business owner who dares not to bow to their demands.

  3. I used to care less if someone was gay or not to each his own but I'll tell you these gays have worn out their welcome. It's become obvious they have serious mental illness. Of all the bakers who would without hesitation bake a wedding for them they have to go and seek out one they know is a Christian. This because these gays have issues and can't control their need to show off and bring attention to themselves. So at this point as far as i'm concerned they can all go to hell and they will go to hell because the Bible speaks out against nasty perverted things that they do and being a homosexual is a sin. They will spend eternity in hell unless they repent and stop doing dirty pervert things which is against Gods word.

  4. Great news. Thank you Supreme Court and defense attorneys.

  5. I agree with 12:36, I used to be live and let live, now because of their actions I have become anti-gay.

  6. If the two guys named Bob (Oral Roberts) were unable to buy a wedding cake anywhere, then they might have had a case of discrimination. But if all they had to do was to request a wedding cake from another bakery (they did) then their civil rights were in no way violated. They got their cake, and ate it too. Colorado was WRONG, and the SCOTUS got it right.


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