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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Breaking News: Senate Republicans vowed to pass a bill ending child separations at the border as President Trump continued to defend his "zero tolerance" policy

Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, said that “all of the members of the Republican conference support a plan that keeps families together.”


  1. Frickin Cowards!

  2. Why is it that Republicans cave in and cower to Democrats all the time but the Democrats never ever compromise with the Republicans?

  3. The president is a master of reverse psychology,hes forcing the swamp to deal with issues they would never attempt.

    1. Yeah...could be that.
      Then again, he could just be a freaking moron.

  4. Again, it is simply not fair to send children to JAIL for the crimes committed by their parents.
    And doing so in the name of "keeping the family together" is ridiculous!

  5. Mitch is a RINO

  6. Our message is absolutely don't send your children on trains or through smugglers. We don't even know how many of these kids don't make it and may have been waylaid into sex trafficking or killed because they fell off a train. We have no way of tracking that. So that is our direct message to families in Central America. Do not send your children to the borders. If they do make it, they'll get sent back."

    - Barack Obama, 2014

  7. We have to send a clear message; just because your child gets across the border, doesn’t mean your child gets to stay. We don’t want to send a message that is contrary to our laws or that will encourage more children to make that dangerous journey.” -Hillary Clinton 2014

  8. He needs to go just like McCain and several others. If we cannot incarcerate the Parents then send every body back that enters illegally
    As Troy on Swamp People "CHOOT EM".

  9. Bill Clinton (Democrat) instituted the policy while he was in office, there was no outrage.

    There was no outrage during the Bush Administration over this policy being enforced (admittedly, Bush was pushing for war constantly so that was a bigger problem).

    Barrack Obama enforced this policy during his two terms in office, there was no outrage.

    Yet, they choose to demonize the Trump Administration for enforcing THEIR laws.

  10. stupidity. its an extremely complicated matter and you can't house children with adults

  11. They shouldn't be detained. They should be taken immediately back to the boarder and sent back.

  12. So now they want to grow a pair..what friggin planet are these guys from!! It sure is not the USA

  13. Next crackhead mother's will have there children with them in prison because its wrong to separate children from there law breaking parents.

  14. Most of the kids aren't even related to the adults they are with. They are props to gain entry. Problem is most Americas are low information and have no idea how things work in the real world. This especially true of democrats and if they do know they will lie about it because there isn't an honest democrat alive. They all lie about everything.

  15. I'll never support Hogan again.

  16. Fix the entire problem - no band-aids!

  17. Keep them together South of the border. Trump's "policy" is enforcing laws on our books, laws that Congress and the states have passed. Congress is scared shitless to pass a law with their names on it that would address all the border issues. It's their JOB to pass legislation and enact laws. And Congress is refusing to do their job. Problem is Congress, not the President. Vote everyone of those corrupt incumbent bastards out of office in the upcoming primary. Give new blood a chance. Incumbents are corrupt, both sides of the aisle.

  18. Veto any bill that doesn't include wall funding. WE got your back.

  19. Is it me or do others see the obvious - Don't Let Anyone In.


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