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Sunday, June 03, 2018

Breaking News: ABC canceled "Roseanne" hours after the hit sitcom's star, Roseanne Barr, posted a racist comment on Twitter about a former Obama adviser

Roseanne Barr was at the center of a social media storm on Tuesday after she sent a racist tweet that referred to “The Planet of the Apes” when mentioning a former top adviser to President Barack Obama who is black.


  1. So sad when in a split second, one's career can be derailed. Very sad that not only did her sitcom get cancelled - ALL the entertainers lost out too!!! She's not feeling any love from them!

    This is what our "social" society has become - good AND bad!

    Any network have the guts to pick up her show? Good ratings = $$$$$ Does FOX have an 1/2 hr opening on Tuesday nights?


  2. Yet, most of ABC's other shows have carte blanche, when it comes to free speech? Hmmmmmmmmmmm...

  3. Freedom of speech is dead!
    Let the people decide by switching the channels.
    I think her comments were on the mark!

    The establishment and media hated this show and just needed an good excuse to cancel it. The viewing public loved it based on the ratings.

    Maybe another outlet will pick up her show.

  4. You mean Rosanne does not have freedom of speech...like those NFL players do?

  5. the left can say and do whatever they want and it is ok.

  6. OH how democrats hate the truth. Nothing racist at all about the tweet. Roseanne only speaks the truth. Jarrett is an ugly looking person who very much does look like a cross between the planet of the apes and the muslim brotherhood and she is as ugly on the inside as the outside.

  7. OHHHHHH but it's OK for liberals at the Whitehouse corospondants dinner to rip Trump apart then give her a show.????

  8. ABC....They don't seem to have any problem with racists "The View"??? Whoopie and Behar biggest bigots on TV throw Wolfe in their and you have your three-way love affair!! Boycott anything ABC!

  9. Keep it up P.A. and I'll expose who is writing in all these racist and nasty comments I've been rejecting for months.

    1. Thank you. Freedom of speech and spewing pure ignorance and hate is 2 different beasts

  10. The ABC president is a BLACK woman. Her latest actions will screw ABC just like the BLACK football players did to the NFL. Leave it to a black and anything good they have going they will crap up. They like to be called "african Americans" as if being african is anything to be proud of. Their sheer stupidity and utter ignorance is astounding. The whole continent of african is a $hit hole not one country lawful or self sufficient but blacks in this country because they are nothing but lowly slaves of the democrat plantation are dumb and don't know any better.

  11. "Anonymous said...

    You mean Rosanne does not have freedom of speech...like those NFL players do?

    May 29, 2018 at 3:09 PM"

    Are you simple or something? There is no comparison. None. Roseanne's tweet was made on her own time and not on the show. The football players protest was during a game and on the dime of people who payed good money to watch football not a bunch of thugs showing off and promoting lies.

  12. Nothing racist in her comment unless Islam is a race.
    Not really funny or bright, but not racist.
    Nobody seemed to howl when they were making W a chimp.

  13. Just join the ABC boycott. We WILL win this one just like we always do. Examples: Chick Fil A, George Zimmerman, Officer in Ferguson, the Innocent Baltimore 6, Phil Robertson, the NFL and on and on. God always has our backs because He knows democrats are nasty and very bad evil people who do not deserve any blessings.

  14. She has free speech just kili anyone else in this country, hence why she was able to say what she said. However there are consequences for that free speech, good or bad, right or wrong. Free speech does not protect from those consequences.

  15. I believe rosanne has a great case for a civil rights violation suit.

    1. You should represent her Steven. It could mean a HUGE payday for the two of you.

  16. Please explain to me how calling an accomplished woman of color, “an ape!” Is okay at any point in time? And to do it on the web for all to see proves your not very bright yourself!
    Just like you can’t joke about physically hurting a co-worker, or harming a politician, you can’t joke about race. Nothing new here, just poor judgement and words spoken before thinking about what comes out!

    1. great points

      Instead of african American
      Should be Color American

      Sounds sonmuch better considering Afica is a crap hell hole for those living there

    2. But you can call Ivanka Trump crass names and say our President is an orangutan. Smh

  17. Fox network should pick it up and air right after Tim Allen's "Last Man Standing" and watch there ratings skyrocket!!!! ABC is going the same route as CNN losing ratings and followers fast!!! Give them the rights to NFL games and that will do them in....

  18. Truth always hurts. Free speech is only for a Liberal. Is spreading hate speech, depicting a bloody Presidents head, stating burn the WH down and other comments more acceptable than expressing someones verbal opinion on the actions of others? Obama's administration and Hillary's advisors and staff were filled with Muslims and Islamic Brotherhood along with other radicals.

  19. I really do wish everyone would stop calling this a free speech issue. It is NOT. Just like the NFL kneelers this isn't about free speech. Free speech pertains ONLY to the government and actions they can not take against a person not private entities like the NFL, ABC.

  20. The comment wasn't "racist." It was the truth. People would be lying if they said Jarrett was attractive. She is not and she is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside.

    1. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. That being said how would u feel if someone mocked and insulted ur heritage in the ugliest and most insulting manner publicly? Its no wonder kids bully. Apparently they r learning it feom their elders.

    2. @10:24 Like the crap Jimmy Kimmel says about the First Lady in his show? Or how Joy Behar mocks the First Lady and Christians ??

  21. As usual Libtards get to say and do what they want to. Conservatives can not say anything that does not come under fire. Ohbammy had eight years to screw both White and Black. All one has to do is watch one episode of the View and know that Libtards can say what they want to about Christians, Whites,Trump and the list goes on. I do not have a show to cancel so I can call Whoopi a lesbian Baboon. Has anyone ever taken a hard look at this so called woman. Really I hope Rosanne continues to use whatever platform she has to call out these racist idiots. White privileged hell the only White privilege I ever had was working for what I have and raising my children to respect all. This whole thing has changed me in a bad way. F Libtards and the Donkey they rode in on.

  22. How come late night hosts can make any joke about President Trump they want? Child of a Troll doll and an Oompa Loompa? Sounds a lot like what was said about Valerie Jarrett. And on The View (same network), Joy Behar called Vice President Pence mentally ill because of his Christian faith? Freedom of offensive speech for everyone except Roseanne? I’m pretty sick of this. #IStandWithRoseanne

  23. Maybe Fox saw this coming and made room for Roseanne when they cancelled the very liberal Brooklyn 99?? #RoseanneOnFox

  24. I never watched or cared for this lady years ago. It has been just within the last few months that she has grown on me. Now I have a liking for the good lady and wish her well..

  25. the alphabet net works have worked against Conservatives for decades,

    and is still in the tub with Obama, Hillary and all those who oppose our Constitution.

    I think it is long overdue to Boycott these networks

  26. I never thought I would live to see people penalized for telling the truth here in America!
    During Obama's time it was like the movie!

  27. A Black could say Anything & Nothing would happen ...Fact !

    This country has Gone PC ......get over it ....!!!

  28. "Please explain to me how calling an accomplished woman of color, “an ape!” Is okay at any point in time?"

    VJ is far far far from accomplished unless of course you think fooling the masses with her pathological lying is an accomplishment then that's on you and shows your own complete lack of integrity and morals. Shame on you and whoever raised you. You are all that is wrong in the country. You pretend to be the moral police when you haven't an ounce of moral blood in your own body. Reflective of your bad upbringing and again shame on the garbage that raised you.
    As far as calling her an ape so what? It's always okay to call someone a name and to be perfectly honest it was an insult to apes since VJ ranks right along there with Chelsea Clinton in the looks department. They are big time eyesores.

    1. don't know about that woman of color stuff

      Guess we have to find TARZAN, JANE and BOY and ask them about CHETTAH and color dude

  29. There was nothing racist about the Tweet. Anytime democrats don't like something they holler racism. Even calling a black the N word isn't racist. It's calling them a name. Nothing more nothing less. Democrats know this but won't admit it because all democrats are liars.

  30. It's not free speech it's thought control. Roseanne shouldn't think that way and she needs indoctrinated, right 5:53? Orwell had totalitarian idiots like you pegged.

  31. All of these comments are, What about-ism.

  32. "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder."
    Heck I think Roseanne looks better today, then years ago.
    As far as VJ, what make's her so accomplished? The fact that she held a high position because of color?

  33. I get it. NFL players kneeling in protest during the anthem = bad. Purposely malign the anthem when given the chance to sing it + spout off at the mouth with race/religion-based insults = well thats just practicing free speech. Gotcha!

  34. She's a comedian. She did what comedians do. They make fun of people including peoples' looks. The left does it to the President all the time. Anyway the left says humans evolved from apes. So what's the problem?

  35. Hillary called blacks super predators and lazy losers and they still overwhelmingly voted for her because they like her views. Roseanne does it and they lie and say it's offensive. That's the problem. The complete lack of principles and consistency within black communities.

  36. "BE BEST " People

  37. She got what she deserved. Her comment was ugly and vicious. I don't think freedom of speech means being as ugly and vicious as you want to others.

    1. 7:51 Do you feel that way about Joy Behar and Jimmy Kimmel too? Or Michelle Wolfe?? 🤔

  38. Roseanne expressed her opinion which is her right and I happen to agree with her.

  39. 5:53 You are joking right? Name one accomplishment of Jarrett's? Name just one! Her claim to fame is that she is nothing but a lowly slave to the democrat plantation who does what she is told without question. She is an accomplished liar who sold you low information people a bill of goods. She is a shell of a woman who is controlled by men. She lied and covered for her men masters constantly. Plus she is foul looking and I never even knew she was black I always thought Iranian.

  40. Glad it's cancelled her former show the language was awful and it showed a mother always disrespecting her kids and sister and making fun of them. It was a show about a bully glad it's cancelled.

  41. Funny I took Ambein for years and the worst thing I ever did was eat late at night. I have many options about all races and political figures too but sometimes its best show some couth and keep that to yourself. I wonder how she would of felt if someone body shamed her in public. She as never been a lady in my eyes and has never set a good example for families and their children. Note to self Roseanne, "Bulling is not cool or funny"

  42. It just goes to show, don't tweet everything that flies through your head.

  43. Vj is not an accomplished woman of color. She's where she is because of her parents. Prior to bo's election, there was nothing she had done. When he was appointed potus, she went with at the behest of her father who was responsible for bo's rapid rise in politics.

  44. I don't agree with what Roseanne said ....I was always taught there are a lot of things you can think but don't say..."tweeting" has changed all that thinking.....BUT to tweet is one thing, for that so called comedienne to go on air and use that kind of language about Ivanka or anyone else? That was taped and the producers knew she was going to say it....was that just to improve her ratings?

  45. Bill Cosby, a black man found guilty of drugging and raping multiple women, but they kept his show on in syndication. I believe some networks are still showing the Cosby Show or the spinoffs.

    The Dukes of Hazard was canceled because of the rebel flag on top of the Gen. Lee. It was a top-rated show and the networks canceled the show despite many people protesting.

    But a black man is placed on a pedestal for RAPE! What a role model to all black kids in America. This is one screwed up country we live in and I blame ALL white people for allowing it to happen. Cowards and Traitors to their own race.

  46. Anonymous said...
    Freedom of speech is dead!
    Let the people decide by switching the channels.
    I think her comments were on the mark!

    The establishment and media hated this show and just needed an good excuse to cancel it. The viewing public loved it based on the ratings.

    Maybe another outlet will pick up her show.

    May 29, 2018 at 3:02 PM

    There was nothing wrong with her comments. Valerie Jarrett and Obama are our enemies. Wake up, you stupid white people.


  47. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The ABC president is a BLACK woman. Her latest actions will screw ABC just like the BLACK football players did to the NFL. Leave it to a black and anything good they have going they will crap up. They like to be called "african Americans" as if being african is anything to be proud of. Their sheer stupidity and utter ignorance is astounding. The whole continent of african is a $hit hole not one country lawful or self sufficient but blacks in this country because they are nothing but lowly slaves of the democrat plantation are dumb and don't know any better.

    May 29, 2018 at 3:59 PM

    They came from the jungles of Africa, but in their minds, they are descendants of Kings and Queen. Not sure about you, but what I know about the jungles their kings and queens lived in grass huts.

  48. Anonymous said...
    Just join the ABC boycott. We WILL win this one just like we always do. Examples: Chick Fil A, George Zimmerman, Officer in Ferguson, the Innocent Baltimore 6, Phil Robertson, the NFL and on and on. God always has our backs because He knows democrats are nasty and very bad evil people who do not deserve any blessings.

    May 29, 2018 at 4:24 PM

    I'm with you. I will never watch ABC again, including WMDT Channel 47.

  49. I hate this country and the people in it. We have a Republican congress and they are doing everything they can to defeat President Trump. I hope like Hell that every Republican gets beat by a decent Republican even Andy Harris. Andy Harris turned his back on Judge Roy Moore when the left claimed he dated a 17 y/o 40 years ago. Republican like Andy Harris gave that seat to a Democrat because they are too much of a coward to defend the man who was a man of God.

  50. Has anyone notice that all TV shows have blacks as co-stars? Every movie with white people have a black co-star, but blacks can have their own movie without a white person unless they are playing a demeaning role.

    This started in the 70's and 80's when every police show had to have a black police chief as the boss. If you notice it's the same way today. They are forcing whites to love blacks and to be lower than them.

    Has anyone noticed that many commercials on TV now have a white guy with a black girl? Just like the commercial with the pregnancy test. Then there is that auto insurance commercial with the bearded white guy and a black woman and their bumper is rammed in a grocery store parking lot. Then the woman gets out and takes a picture to send to the insurance company. The irony with this one is the white guy looks like a gorilla and growls like one as well.

    Then there is a commercial with a white guy and a black woman and they have a biracial girl. The guy has irritable bowel syndrome or something and he spends more time in the bathroom than with the girl.

    Then there are many commercials with a pretty white girl and a black guy with biracial kids.

    Why are the commercials forcing white/black relationships on us? This isn't the makeup of America, it happens, but it is a very small percentage.

  51. Why all the outrage? What she said was true even if it was a bit mean-spirited. Double standards are what it is all about. People have, and continue to do so, said worse things about Trump AND his family. But they get a pass?! Hogwash.

  52. Anonymous said...
    Has anyone notice that all TV shows have blacks as co-stars? Every movie with white people have a black co-star, but blacks can have their own movie without a white person unless they are playing a demeaning role.

    This started in the 70's and 80's when every police show had to have a black police chief as the boss. If you notice it's the same way today. They are forcing whites to love blacks and to be lower than them.

    Has anyone noticed that many commercials on TV now have a white guy with a black girl? Just like the commercial with the pregnancy test. Then there is that auto insurance commercial with the bearded white guy and a black woman and their bumper is rammed in a grocery store parking lot. Then the woman gets out and takes a picture to send to the insurance company. The irony with this one is the white guy looks like a gorilla and growls like one as well.

    Then there is a commercial with a white guy and a black woman and they have a biracial girl. The guy has irritable bowel syndrome or something and he spends more time in the bathroom than with the girl.

    Then there are many commercials with a pretty white girl and a black guy with biracial kids.

    Why are the commercials forcing white/black relationships on us? This isn't the makeup of America, it happens, but it is a very small percentage.

    June 3, 2018 at 8:48 PM

    I turned the TV on and saw you were correct.


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