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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Arnold Ahlert: An Unrelenting Leftist Hatefest

Hate and hysteria, rigidly enforced by rank hypocrisy, is the dominant mindset of the Left.

November 8, 2016, was a watershed moment in American history. It was the night when decades of leftist propaganda, all centered around the self-aggrandizing assertion they were the most tolerant and enlightened people in the nation, was revealed as utterly fraudulent.

In its place, hate and hysteria, rigidly enforced by rank hypocrisy — directed at Donald Trump, his family, his associates and his supporters — has become the dominant mindset in the leftist universe.

Roseanne Barr was universally scorned for her racist tweets directed at Barack Obama’s senior adviser Valerie Jarrett. Meanwhile, MSNBC’s Joy Reid engaged in anti-homosexual blogging and lied about it. Moreover, newly discovered blog entries included the image of Sen. John McCain’s head photoshopped onto the body of the Virginia Tech shooter, suggestions that Israeli Jews should go back to Europe, and a post that encouraged her readers to check out “Loose Change 9/11,” alleging the 9/11 terrorist attacks were perpetrated by the U.S. government.



  1. The 911 attacks were in fact perpetuated by the US government and Mossad to benefit the war agenda of Israel in the Middle East.

  2. I fail to understand why Rosanne's tweet about Valerie Jarrett was racist. Jarrett is Iranian and does not have one drop of African American blood in her little body. She is Persian, not black and Persian is not a race!


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