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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Apple said it was closing a loophole in iPhones that law enforcement agencies used to access locked devices

Apple has long positioned the iPhone as a secure device that only its owner can open. That has led to battles with law enforcement officials who want to get information off them, including a well-publicized showdown with the F.B.I. in 2016 after Apple refused to help open the locked iPhone of a mass shooter.

The F.B.I. eventually paid a third party to get into the phone, circumventing the need for Apple’s help. Since then, law enforcement agencies across the country have increasingly employed that strategy to get into locked iPhones they hope will hold the key to cracking cases.


  1. Sounds like obstruction of justice
    Hope DOJ takes them to court next time they need info

  2. I hardly doubt they are going to do this, seeing how every device software has a back door to let them have access... The govt orders them to put these back doors in, as you know for the name of safety...

    And to add, the govt already looks at you as a terrorist if you have an iphone or a device that is locked so the govt can't spy on you or access it... At least that is what all of the senators were saying back when the San Bernardo thing happened...

  3. The Gestapo REALLY hate it when they cannot pry and intrude on each and every aspect of you life.
    What they hate the most, however, is when people don't fall on their knees in worship when they walk by and, God forbid, someone tells them to go go F themselves.
    This has very little to do with "criminal investigation". It has a LOT to do with the continuing imposition of State power and and all-encompassing reach and access to EVERYTHING YOU DO OR SAY. Every day, more and more people think they MUST HAVE IT.

    Orwell was a prophet and all you cheerleaders can is do proudly tell REAL Americans how badly you NEED to be under 24-7, top-to-bottom, everywhere you go, and everything you do, surveillance. With, of course, the accompanying fines and prison.
    They should just go ahead, take the Constitution out of it's nuclear-proof enclosure and along with the Bill of Rights, burn them in front of Congress.
    They have already eviserated both. Just make it official.
    Then, as the fire rages, start throwing those lying, cheating, thieving, scamming, alcoholic pedophiles right in the fire, too. Which, by the way is ALL OF THEM.
    Keep cheering.

  4. 4th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America:

    "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

    I don't have a problem with law enforcement, I just wish they would stay within the confines of our Constitution.


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