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Sunday, June 24, 2018

An Update About ECI

Word from ECI...all staff are safe. Secure from incident. Please do not let us forget the cause. Staffing is at an abhorrent level. The inmates gave a warning today. By the Grace of God and courage of our Correctional Officers, everyone will go home. Gov. Hogan, Senators, Delegates, fix the staffing problem. Public Post...Please Share...It Will Help Save A Life


  1. Why would everyone go home? That makes zero sense.

    1. Correctional Officers do not live at ECI. They have families to go Home too. Wow

  2. Put the inmates in the cells , feed then bologna and bread with water. , this an't the hilton hotel. No need for extra guards.

  3. It makes perfect sense - unlike many other prison altercations where lives have been lost, everyone at ECI is ok and will go home to their families tonight. Thank God!!

  4. 10:39, I think it means not going home via the hospital or morgue.

  5. More staff needed / what is the long term plan here? Let’s treat the inmates like inmates . They should earn things like little children. If you have not been there day in and day out then shut up and stop defending this population. From case management to officers to commitment it is a shame and just a matter of time before someone gets hurt and it has another issue.

  6. More staff needed / what is the long term plan here? Let’s treat the inmates like inmates . They should earn things like little children. If you have not been there day in and day out then shut up and stop defending this population. From case management to officers to commitment it is a shame and just a matter of time before someone gets hurt and it has another issue.

  7. So nothing happened!? Sounds like a case of someone crying "Wolf."

  8. Anonymous said...
    "Why would everyone go home? That makes zero sense."

    Can you imagine how low the I.Q. must be of the person who actually made this

  9. Move this facility across the bridge

  10. Some of these comments show 2 things they are an inmates family or close to them and they know nothing about operating procedures of a prison. They could also has a grudge about not being hired and try to make the public believe they know how the system works. They are doing more harm than good to the public safety of the citizens

  11. This is what happens when you have cops running a prison system. I certainly wouldn’t want CO’s running the Police, and Police running jail is even worse

  12. Anonymous said...
    Put the inmates in the cells , feed then bologna and bread with water. , this an't the hilton hotel. No need for extra guards.
    June 22, 2018 at 10:52 AM

    That is just a stupid and ignorant statement. And, it goes to show the IQ of the one saying it.

  13. I have 2 family members at ECI. This is what they have told us: that 1 hour of outside time was taken away from the inmates. They do not know why, but I think we can assume that the inmates had broken some rule(s). And considering how hot and humid it has been, the inmates rioted. The CO's responded quickly and put the prison on lock-down. I'm going to assume that the response by the CO's was both adequate and correct.

  14. Live ammo rounds, 5 or 6 killed watch how fast they listen to commands to return to their cells! You have to get their attention, animals don't know any better.

  15. The threat by the cell bosses were over reduced physical activity time, not reduced prison staffing. Routine grievance procedure by the inmates.


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