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Thursday, June 28, 2018

American Tech Manufacturer Accuses Chinese Company of Stealing Secrets

Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit Company, in partnership with UMC, allegedly stole microchip designs from Idaho’s Micron Technology in an attempt to fuel a new $5.7 billion dollar factory.

In documents filed last December in Federal District Court for the Northern District of California, Micron claimed that designs for its memory chips were stolen after rejecting an acquisition and multiple partnership offers from Chinese tech companies.

Micron said Taiwanese company UMC and China’s FJICC colluded in the theft of valuable trade secrets. Micron was first alerted to the suspicious behavior when one engineer used Google to try and find instructions on wiping a laptop. Later, a brazen attempt to lure Micron engineers to UMC gave a powerpoint presentation which included internal Micron code names.

More here


  1. They have been doing it for years. Thats why so many jobs and companies are closing.

  2. Then why , please tell me why Trump is so adamant about ZTE , please tell me. They have out technology and have been selling it to North Korea AND Iran. Why does Trump want to protect them?

  3. Exactly 5:00 am, then they use the technology to build crap that is cheaply made and has to be replaced often. We have landfills full pf their garbage. They make profit off of it and know we will have to buy the stuff again in a few years so it keeps their people working. Our people buy it because the market is saturated with this stuff and better quality items cannot compete with "I need it now, and I need it cheap"


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