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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

AL: Mayor of Alabama’s biggest city appoints first LGBTQ liaison

Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin has hired the city's first LGBTQ liaison to serve as both a spokesperson for the city and as a representative of LGBTQ interests.

Josh Coleman, who currently works as vice president of Central Alabama Pride, will start his new role on June 25. His annual salary will be $50,000.

Woodfin made the announcement Sunday at PrideFest held at Sloss Furnaces.

As a way to make the city more inclusive, Woodfin also plans to create the Mayor's Office of Social Justice and Racial Equity. Details on this office haven't been released yet.

A diversity officer will also be hired in the city's economic development department, the mayor told city councilors last week.



  1. "As a way to make the city more inclusive"

    Why do we always have to be 'inclusive' with all the Homo, Muslims, Blacks, Atheist, etc. but they don't have to be inclusive with us?

    F them! They have every right in this country that everyone else has. I am sick and tired of putting them on a pedestal over us. I am sick and tired of changing our way of life so we don't offend them, but it's Ok to offend the majority.

  2. Down the road of satan

  3. Vomit worthy. Diversity now means infecting decent people with something bad.

  4. Using my best Southern Draw, "How Nice"! If you are not Southern then the meaning might pass you up.


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