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Saturday, June 30, 2018

After primary win, Maryland Democrat Ben Jealous shirks questions about party divides

Pressed on his party's internal divisions, Ben Jealous delivered an impressively evasive performance on MSNBC this week, shirking a conversation that's especially germane to his own candidacy.

Jealous is running in a blue state, but now faces the challenge of unseating a popular Republican governor while campaigning on a (very) progressive platform. The former NAACP president won the Democratic primary to take on Republican Gov. Larry Hogan on Tuesday. Watch Jealous squirm in this interview with Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle, who pursued a perfectly reasonable line of questions about whether far-left candidates are driving centrists away from the Democratic Party.

At one point when Ruhle accurately accused him of "not answering" their questions, Jealous hit back with the devastating response, "I mean, I am. I mean, look this is... I'm work-..." before making some vague and irrelative point about how important it is to have governors "solving real problems in real time." And the newly-minted nominee really didn't want to talk about House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, side-stepping Ruhle's direct ask for his thoughts on the California Democrat "sitting at the helm" of his party.



  1. He has no plan he just says free everything. People cheer. Maryland will be a 70 percent tax state if he gets in.

  2. The Dems already have the Governor's office. Hogan is a Republican in name only.

  3. He can't confess to why he was nominated and elected to run in the general election for the democrats, or what his policies will be. All he knows is that he will have to be the rubber stamp for our state legislature, and whatever they send to him. He is clueless. The dems are hoping Maryland will vote for him simply because HE IS BLACK, like Obama.


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