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Monday, June 04, 2018

After Collecting $16 Million in Grants From Housing Department in Obama Era, Liberal Group Sues Agency Now

A liberal advocacy group that has received more than $16 million in federal grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development is now suing the agency after HUD Secretary Ben Carson last month scaled back a regulation it supports.

HUD has given the liberal National Fair Housing Alliance $16.1 million in grants since 2009, according to USAspending.gov, which tracks federal grants and contracts. Under the Trump administration, the organization has received just one grant—$300,000 in March.

“NFHA was awarded roughly $16 million in grants from [fiscal 2009 to fiscal 2016],” Jessica Aiwuyor, associate director of communications for the organization, told The Daily Signal in an emailed statement, insisting that none of it is being used to file its legal action. “NFHA has used zero HUD funds to bring this lawsuit. NFHA uses zero federal dollars to conduct lobbying. We do not have a separate arm for advocacy or lobbying.”

She said that 55 percent of Fair Housing Initiatives Program dollars that HUD has given the group “were passed through to other organizations to fight illegal housing discrimination and educate the public about fair housing laws.”



  1. If they have money to file lawsuits and lobby then they don't need tax dollars. Use this money to replace tax dollars they are not getting now, since they basically said they don't need tax dollars to conduct legit work.

  2. NPR receives federal dollars but also declares a dividend. What's up with that?

  3. Wait.
    THEY said they used 16 million to fight discrimination and educate people about discrimination??

    I thought they would use it to HOUSE people.
    Cut it off completely.
    Their mind set appears to be "we've been getting free money in the millions for years. No on ever got an apartment, however, but we think we deserve the money now (and forever)."
    Keep cheering.


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