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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

A Wannabe Assassin And Self-Described Pedophile Is Running For Congress — Who’s To Blame?

A self-described pedophile and rapist who was imprisoned for threatening to assassinate the president of the United States is running for Congress.

Nathan Larson is the candidate, running in Virginia, and Democratic ex-Governor Terry McAuliffe is the man who restored voting rights to thousands of convicted felons in 2016, Larson among them. Larson landed himself in prison in 2008 after sending a letter to the Secret Service threatening to kill the president. That felony conviction would have made it impossible for him to vote for the rest of his life, but McAullife’s blanket amnesty changed that. Since his release from prison, Larson has revealed some horrifying things about his late ex-wife and his sexual preferences.

Larson probably doesn’t have much of a chance winning his election, but McAullife has been eyeing a 2020 presidential run. This probably isn’t the best start.



  1. What I would like to know is if Governor Terry McAuliffe was told by 2 judges that he wasn't allowed to restore the voting rights to criminals then why wasn't he arrested for contempt?

    Because he was a supporter of Hillary and Obama!

  2. How and who gave him amnesty, Obama?

  3. Make him the Mayor of Pedophile Island.

  4. Anonymous said...
    Make him the Mayor of Pedophile Island.

    June 6, 2018 at 7:33 AM

    With the Clintons

  5. Welcome to everyone wins and can b who they want to be times... eel


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