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Thursday, June 28, 2018

A Viewer Writes...

While seeing various election results I have gotten nostalgic over some previous candidate's promises.


  1. I'm at this point rooting for the Folk Festival to be a failure of epic proportions. Wicomico county needs to see what an utter waste of time and resources this stupid thing is. Trouble is, even after the bike fiasco and the folk fiasco and giving away valuable land for basically free...nothing will happen. The same NPR listening trash who supported Barrie and support Jake will just keep on doing the same things over and over again and no one will rise up to oppose these entitled elitist trash.

  2. Hey I saw that "Creature" in the pic in person. Its in an Indian Trading post located in Banff Alberta.

  3. No one has the $$ to do it. Salisbury's elections used to see candidates gather about $3000-$5000 in campaign donations. That all changed when the real estate/landlord/investor/developer/"elite class" found a way to circumvent the donation limits, giving their money to a PAC (political action committee) that had no limits and even had access to money from out of town and out of state. The chosen candidate for mayor (or, should I say, pre-chosen) had access to and spent over $20,000 instead of the paltry $5000 of yesterday, with all of the PAC's donors cloaked in completely legal anonymity.

    The days of Salisbury's mayor and city council being elected in a "fair fight" are over. Who has the gold makes the rules.

  4. well, that explains a lot, doesn't it? Jake (and Barrie before him) had money- at least more money than most of us do, so they spend city resources on things they think other people like with money and leisure time them want. HQ Live, for example- sorry, but i have a job and kids- I don't have the time to be going out to see some band like i did when I was in college- but the Day crowd probably does- so that's what they go for. Same with the bikes- a solution to a problems that didn't exist.

  5. No one has the money? Yet how much money has the city spent on fancy new curvy sidewalks and an amphitheater (aka new concrete steps) along the dirty river? Or the upcoming Folk (You) festival? The stupid orange bikes?? Etc. etc. etc. All of that money, plus too MUCH additional dumb ideas to list, would have been better spent elsewhere! It could have been pooled together to make an actual difference.

  6. The same real estate/landlord/investor/developer/"elite class" PAC money is supporting Jack Heath for county executive, right? It only stands to reason, given that he's Jake Day's chosen county tool wannabe.


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