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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

6 Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Without Drugs

There is a raging controversy about the role of cholesterol in the diet and in the blood. Some scientists say that dietary cholesterol — without gorging on saturated and trans fats — doesn’t increase cholesterol levels in the blood. However the reverse is also true. Certain foods can help bring down high cholesterol levels naturally, without the potentially dangerous side effects of medication.

“By increasing your intake of soluble fiber you can significantly lower your blood cholesterol levels,” Dr. Gabe Mirkin M.D., author of The Healthy Heart Miracle tells Newsmax Health. “I would also recommend that folks eliminate red meat altogether from the diet not only because it’s a source of saturated fat but also because of the many negative health consequences — including increased cancer risk — it has on your whole body."

Here are some super foods that can drive down blood cholesterol levels:


  1. Cheerios! Helped lower my cholesterol about 15 points after I started eating them.

  2. Any kind of oat product will lower cholesterol. That's why you don't see horses dropping dead from heart attacks.

  3. So, whiskey made from oats will do the job? awesome!


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