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Saturday, June 16, 2018

5 Women Who Lied About Being Raped

“Things women do lie about: what they ate for lunch. Things women don’t lie about: rape.”Lena Dunham

The sentiment expressed in the quote above by Lena Dunham has become all too typical on the Left. If that had no consequences, it would be just one more thing liberals say as we roll our eyes and go on. However, there are real men paying a terrible price for this lie. Colleges have set up guilty-until-proven-innocent kangaroo courts where men have had their lives turned upside down after being falsely convicted of raping women. The #metoo movement has featured lots of accusations aimed at men, but despite the fact that many of those accusations don’t go much beyond he said/she said, men are losing their careers and having their lives ruined based on little more than one woman’s say-so. That is despite the fact that, depending on which statistics you believe, there are an awful lot of false rape claims made,



  1. Shame on the women who lie about rape. You destroy the men you accuse and their famlies. Also make life a hell for the women who truly raped and no one believes them. Again I say SHAME ON YOU!

  2. No one is doing a study on the increasing number of men who have chosen to remain single.No wonder.

  3. Add 90+ percent of Harvey Weinstein’s accusers to the list. Don’t misunderstand me, the guy is a POS for taking advantage of his position in Hollywood but rape? Guarantee most of the “victims” slept with him consensually hoping for a movie part. It’s only rape now because they either got the career they wanted, are afraid that it’ll surface that they did the deed to get where they are now, or they didn’t make it and they’re pissed off.
    I’m a woman. I’ve asked myself whether or not if I’d have been in the position of wanting fame and fortune so badly would I do the same? Honestly, I don’t know. One gross encounter with that slobbering pig to land a movie roll or the job of my dreams...potentially be set for life?
    I only know that if I had done it, regardless of the outcome I’d have owned it and not weaponized it to start a movement.
    Again...not defending him. I’m sure there were occasions when pressure was applied, but buyers remorse and rape are two different things.

  4. What about the hundreds of women that get raped and are afraid to report it because of this stupid system. Harvey , Donald and the whole Damn crew should be locked up.

    1. If the Donald you are refering to is Trump, you have it wrong. If Donld did have sex, it was consensual and with a prostitute who was over paid.

    2. You’re probably one of the people that called for Clinton’s impeachment but it’s ok if this moron does it as long as you get a free MAGA hat.


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