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Saturday, June 23, 2018

13-Year Old Facing Felony Charge for Recording Meeting with Principal

Middle school student Paul Boron of Illinois, age 13, is facing serious charges after recording a conversation with his school principal. In Illinois, the eavesdropping charge with which Boron has been charged is a Class 4 felony, and a sentence can potentially include jail time, remand to a juvenile detention center, and/or fines up to $25,000.

Boron used his cellphone to record approximately ten minutes of conversation with the principal and assistant principal of Manteno Middle School in Manteno, Illinois. The conversation about missed detentions took place in a reception area with the door open.

According to the independent group Illinois Policy, Boron told Principal David Conrad and Assistant Principal Nathan Short that he was recording the conversation after they had been speaking for about ten minutes. At that point, they report, "Conrad allegedly told Boron he was committing a felony and promptly ended the conversation."



  1. A little wrist slap I predict.

  2. Do they have security cameras recording in the school? Same felony law should apply.

    1. Video, no audio. That’s the difference.

  3. He's a juvie so no punishment. Good thing he recorded them. If they were on the up and up why would they end the meeting! No parents or attorney present? Public school system is a joke filled with libs! If it was my child heads would roll!

  4. Same law in Maryland folks. Don't think you can turn on any audio recording without disclosing you are going to record first, or you can be charged with a felony. You certainly can't use a clandestine recording in any legal proceeding. By disclosing you made the recording, you will be charged, and the recording will be thrown out as any kind of evidence, as it was illegally obtained. If you make a secret audio recording of someone in Maryland, you better keep it to yourself and not let ANYONE know that you did it. And certainly don't try to use it to get someone in trouble. In Maryland, that will be you that is in trouble.

  5. No wonder so many higher ups get away w/ lying so bad around here


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