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Friday, May 04, 2018

Woke Hollywood Elites to Descend on NRA Meetings to Push Gun Control

Wealthy Hollywood elites are descending on Dallas this week to protest the National Rifle Association’s Annual Meetings and Exhibits. Oh, and David Hogg. He’s coming too. No surprise there. Kid wants to squeeze every second he can out of his 15 minutes of fame.

“Charmed” actress Alyssa Milano is leading the charge. She’ll be joined by Jimmy Kimmel, Alec Baldwin, and Amy Schumer, among others. They’re calling themselves NoRA, which stands for No Rifle Association. Clever name… not really.

A few weeks ago, the group published an open letter calling down the thunder on the nation’s gun lobby. It’s actually pretty funny how over-the-top it is, particularly the parts about bloody checks and puppets.



  1. Private property arrest them for trespassing, inciting a riot, disturbing the peace, blacking traffic, anything.

  2. All Treasonous POS

  3. DO what the cops would do to you if you were recording... Enough said!!!!

  4. Usual list of liberal Hollywood aholes and traitors!

  5. Will their armed guards be with them? Bet they will.

  6. meh> Who really cares what that bunch thinks?

  7. Bunch of losers......
    2:01 Correct Who cares what they think. They are nobodies...

  8. They are Banker pets bootlickers.

  9. They do exactly what their bosses tell them to do.
    Nothing more and nothing less.
    It is completely manufactured.

  10. Oh bullshit. They're not gonna do shit. Besides there's no coke, cocktails, or c@ck at those meetings. They'll be lost.

  11. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  12. These are the individuals crying for attention. Careers must not be doing so well


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