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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

William Bennett: George Will scorns Pence for the high crime of decency

Conservative syndicated columnist George Will wrote this week that Vice President Mike Pence has “become America’s most repulsive public figure.” Why does Will think Pence deserves this absurd slur? Apparently, the columnist has found the vice president guilty of the heinous crime of being a decent man.

Will announced in 2016 that he was leaving the Republican Party over the nomination of Donald Trump as the GOP’s presidential candidate. So it is no surprise that Will has become part of the so-called “resistance” to the duly elected president of the United States. He’s even become a contributor to NBC and its liberal sister news channel, MSNBC, using this as a forum to criticize both President Trump and Vice President Pence.

But don’t let the Will’s penchant for writing columns filled with big words that most American’s never use and can’t even define obscure the fact that the central indictment of his hostile column is pretty thin gruel.



  1. He is an old swamp creature NWO shrill to the core. Figures. Hidden dangers of the rainbow lays this all out, the names and orginazations involved. Most are wolves in sheep clothing.

  2. George Will used to be a conservative voice on TV many years ago, but the swamp has corrupted and converted him into just another libtard


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