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Sunday, May 06, 2018

Wicomico Board of Education, Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money!

As usual the BOE packed the County Council chambers begging for more money, $7.5 million. We've already watched them go out and lease, (extremely long term) space for their main offices from one of the "Good Ol' Boys" in the millions. Then there was the "Gift Cards" SBYNews exclusively exposed while the rest of the local media ignored their Hooters spending, "for the children". 

More importantly, Ladies & Gentlemen, this is nothing short of a political show, year after year. When I saw that interview of the President of Veteran Builders saying he and his Wife don't believe their children can get a proper education here. I thought, what an Idiot! They set their roots here, had children and NOW out of nowhere another Good Ol' Boy gets interviewed attacking anyone who doesn't feed them what they want.

I ask all of you, did you see any of us NORMAL people being interviewed on WBOC or WMDT saying, tough sh!t, we don't have the funding and we've done quite enough for the irresponsible BOE. 

Finally, the funds just aren't there, especially $7.5 million and they know it and knew it well before that circus last night. The County Council and Executive are NOT interested in raising taxes just to fulfill this ridiculous request. Taxpayers are fully funding the BOE and you need to understand that YOU elected a different kind of leadership in which, (for example) Pollitt regularly went well above and beyond maintenance of effort and it cost the taxpayers dearly. Let's also not forget, this Council and Executive have in fact given the BOE all of the new school requests in order to BETTER educate our children. Where's the media on that topic?


  1. No accountability equals the inmates running the asylum. Time for aome independent oversight. Not like the so called school board elections were one has to be approved by the status quo. What a freakin joke that is.

  2. "When I saw that interview of the President of Veteran Builders saying he and his Wife don't believe their children can get a proper education here."

    That was a Jake Day buddy, Chris Eccleson, name names for Christ sake!!

    Chris Eccleson is the new kid on the block getting all the "Downtown Click" awards for the city, the Chamber of Commerce, etc.

  3. Well Joe, save your breathe... These residents of SBY, as you can clearly see are just to damn stupid to understand all of this that you are telling them!!!! They just don't get it, and maybe never will... I don't like calling them stupid but that is what it is... They are not dumb or ignorant of the subject, becasue that would mean they can be educated and understand what's at hand... This instance; however, they will never grasp becasue they base things off of emotion, not researched facts!!!!

    Everything is in the name of kids!!!! Yet all of the kids these days are far more stupid than when I grew up around here!!! I mean, for god sake, they find enjoyment from a damn ball bearing that spins, and if that isn't bad enough, they to eating challenges for tide pods!!!!!

  4. I was watching this on PAC 14 and that Bill Chambers from the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce was very, very rude to the county council members. He was such an as that I would have got up and smacked him or walked out if I was one of him.

    This county does not need the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce hiring mean spirited jerks like that. Shame on those so called business owners that hired him. He is a royal asshole and I will guarantee you that my family will not be shopping with any member of the chamber until they get rid of that pompus asswipe. You have been warned many times about him and his attitude.

  5. That idiot Mike Dumb got up to the podium twice to speak and it reminded me of when he was on the city council and his little hissy fits. What a FAG! He said he is the CEO of the Greater Salisbury Committee as if that was something important. What is the Greater Salisbury Committee? What qualified Mike Dumb to call himself a CEO? He has absolutely no leadership credentials at all. He worked at the small college radio station? Whoop de Doo! He made quite a few subtle threats to the members of the county council saying that if they don't give the board of education the funding they are asking for there will be consequences in the upcoming election.

    Scare tactics and threats. Is that all you got Mike Dumb? I remember you balled up a flyer and threw it and struck an elderly woman right upside her head. You are a big shot Mr. Dumb. A big bad bully who attacks old ladies. Aren't your proud of yourself. What about the members of the Greater Salisbury Committee aren't your people proud that you hired a bully to be your attack dog. You people must be morons just like Mike Dumb is.

  6. Scholl vouchers looking better everyday!!! Disolve this death grip and put the power back in our hands

  7. The County Council and Executive are NOT interested in raising taxes just to fulfill this ridiculous request.


    Did anyone watching see one of the last speakers at the podium that said 1 cent in this county equals $600,000 dollars. The he said the county council needs to raise the taxes by 5 cents.

    Matt Tilghman wants the county council to raise taxes up to 5 cents on the dollar. Do you know who Matt Tilghman is??

    Matt Tilghman is the wife of Barrie Tilghman. That's right the Barrie Tilghman whose reign of terror lasted 12 years as the Mare of Salisbury. She is the one responsible for the $80 Million dollar abortion called the waste water treatment plant. Her, Mike Dunn and Paul Wilbur.

    So why do you think Matt Tilghman was at that meeting?? Because Mike Dunn asked him to be there to speak as a "community leader." If you people are that gullible to fall for Mike Dunn and Matt Tilghman(Barries Wife) then you don't need to vote on how I spend my money.

  8. BOE's everywhere are the same. They can only measure their success by how much taxpayer money they can get to spend. The NEA operates the same way.

  9. Still waaaaay tooo much overhead! minimize the number of non-teaching positions - yes, ya gotta clean the bathrooms...ok! You don't need a bunch of assistant principals that are not actually teaching classes!

  10. You should keep this at the top. The public needs to hear how the county is being manipulated by a small group of wannabe leaders in this county.

  11. When bill mccain gets elected to the council he'll make sure taxes are raised so the teachers can get the raise they are crying for!!

  12. Us "normal people" had better sense that to even think about attending the meeting knowing it would be over run with BOE employees and "Gimme, gimme!" parents/supporters. I chose to NOT have kids but have had to pay for other people's kids all my life. The more money you put out - the more money they will CONTINUE to DEMAND. SCREW THEM!!! Let them learn to live on a "FIXED INCOME" and cut their expenses like many of us have had to learn to do, especially if you live here! Let them do fundraising to get the money. This should be a VOTER CHOICE...put it on the ballot!!

    1. A fixed income is a guaranteed income. Think about it.

    2. Correct. The income is guaranteed. The amount is not!

    3. So? What's your beef?

    4. Ok sparky. Let me enlighten you. I am a small MHIC contractor. During the Great Recession I can't tell you how many times homeowners would tell me that they were on a fixed income, wanting a break. The whole time I was wishing I was on one, as I had at least a 50% decrease. Also I would run into the ocassional teacher
      , saying they hadn't had a pay increase in years. (Hello Danielle Green). She wanted a door replaced, but I guess she hired Fly By Night Cont. or a damn Mexican. Hopefully I've made my point.

  13. The "proper" education that can be had here in public schools can only come after changes in school discipline (totally missing now) and curricula that actually teach kids something useful (ditto that.)
    Those can be achieved without padding the budget, but, alas, the state BOE runs the show as the local BOE just constantly asks for more $$.

  14. Chris Eccleston is an idiot. Palmer Gillis “want a be”.

  15. we the teachers need a pay raise while babysitting your brats

  16. No mo money till you have some accountability

  17. 30% of Millennials cannot read an analog clock. What do they need more money for? Seems like they're being taught half of the curriculum that we were taught back in the day. I guess it's for sex education, since it's gotten so much more complicated!

  18. Wicomico County is already hemorrhaging people in the upper tax brackets, who have either moved to other counties or states or do not claim Wicomico as their primary residence.

    Additional tax will largely fall on the average working person who just can't afford more taxes. What will the BOE do when they've driven most of the more upwardly mobile people out of the county?

    What is wrong with the schools can't be fixed by more money anyway. It is a values problem due to poor or no parenting. Try community outreach or other programs that work with parents. Throwing money at the problem is putting lipstick on a pig....and as the saying goes...it's still a pig.

  19. Chris Eccleston is a true arrogant, arrogant, arrogant know it all idiot !!!!!!!!! Delmarva Veterans Builders won't be around long with the numbers they put out and it takes them forever to complete a project.

    1. Time will tell with DVB \ having over 40 years experience in Instutional/Commercial construction I can say that consistently being the low bidder means you do Not yet know your cost or have not been due diligent with generally poor construction bid documents existing as “standard” in the industry. Once you suffer liquidated damages for late delivery + construction trade disputes + cost related to owner disputes etc then the newly appointed kings of the local market may fine tune their approach * just saying

    2. Only if your company isn’t favored. Gillis rode that train for years. There is plenty of money to go around.

  20. 11:49
    I have been paying taxes in this county for 30 years. I have one child and she only attended the crappy public schools for 3 years. I want a refund.

  21. Politician = spend other peoples money

  22. To Mike Dunn, Chris Eccleston, WCEA (union) Leaders, Donna Hanlin, and any others that spoke last night:

    If you get the $ 7.5M extra dollars, specifically, what will be done with it to improve the quality of education in Wicomico? AND, specifically, how will the results be measured?

    I hate that they are begging for money and not being specific about what they will do with it!

  23. 1149 with your attitude you don't need to be a teacher. Children are not brats!! You evidently don't know how to teach children. Go find another profession.

  24. 10:11 bingo that the crust of this whole friggin waste of THE BOE..get rid of the tax sucking fat useless overhead...

  25. 10:11 bingo that the crust of this whole friggin waste of THE BOE..get rid of the tax sucking fat useless overhead...

  26. I have noticed if a principal stuck it out for so many years they got a job at the Board of Ed. Assistant to something? never knew what but they got more money and bigger retirement package. "Perks"

  27. Most of budget is going to universal pre k. We have private day cares and head start already providing this service. This will put about 25 to 30 small business out of business. If the private sector is accomidating why should BOE take over? It is already regulated by MSDE.

  28. Anonymous said...
    When bill mccain gets elected to the council he'll make sure taxes are raised so the teachers can get the raise they are crying for!!

    May 2, 2018 at 10:20 AM

    Did you know that Bill McCain's wife is a school teacher?

    Bill McCain wants to get elected because he told the people at one of the Greater Salisbury Committee meetings that he wanted a property tax exemption for school teachers.

    Does anyone know where Bill McCain lives? In a very expensive home on the Wicomico River.

    Can you imagine how much money in taxes he would save on his 7 figure home??

  29. How about that John Palmer clown on the Board of Education? Wasn't he appointed by a conservative to be a conservative on the BOE to watch our tax dollars? He got up to the podium and said something stupid and incomprehensible.

    Has he forgotten the fact that He and Don Coffin and Johnny Miller were the ringleaders of VOICE and the revenue cap? Looks like he has been indoctrinated now and forgot what he was supposed to do about protecting the hard working tax payers. Vote him out!

    1. ROTFLMAO! You are absolutely correct. These three fools are solely responsible for this revenue cap that is straggling this County. During that period, Palmer was the constant presence at County Council meetings threatening to cut all revenue off to the BOE particularly. What a POS he turned out to be.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Chris Eccleston is a true arrogant, arrogant, arrogant know it all idiot !!!!!!!!! Delmarva Veterans Builders won't be around long with the numbers they put out and it takes them forever to complete a project.
    May 2, 2018 at 1:06 PM

    That's because they don't know what they are doing. Some dumb punk thought he would capitalize on the term "Veterans" but he isn't hiring veterans. He is hiring clueless butt buddies who do shitty work.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Most of budget is going to universal pre k. We have private day cares and head start already providing this service. This will put about 25 to 30 small business out of business. If the private sector is accomidating why should BOE take over? It is already regulated by MSDE.

    May 2, 2018 at 11:22 PM

    BINGO!! Where were you when they had the public hearing.

  32. pre K is not required! but like so much else it is free!!! BOE...start cutting by eliminating pre K, many of which aren't potty trained and the teacher has to stop and change them. then cut out all the free breakfast and sometimes after school program bag dinners. You would not believe how some of these children come to school looking like because they get their self ready for school while mom stays in bed instead of getting up, fixing them breakfast and seeing them off to school. Why should they get up........the BOE is going to feed them! Every child gets free breakfast and many free lunches. Shame shame shame. Maybe instead of food stamps we should provide birth control. And ..........does the public realize how many special needs children are in our schools? Tube feeders, seizures daily etc etc. Alot of these children are unable to learn but BOE provides a teacher to "babysit" them till they are 21 years old. These children need a special school so that the "normal" children can actually learn and the teachers can actually teach!

  33. Jackeroo Heath was one of the BOE beggars at the meeting, dressed like a street bum.
    If he, Hastings and McCain are elected, county taxes and fees will skyrocket.

    1. And he will raise your taxes if he gets elected. Vote for Bob or pay the price!

  34. Years ago, Dr. Frederickson addressed a crowd of parents at Parkside. He showed a chart describing which of the 26 Maryland counties were worse off than Wicomico. I think there were only 2.
    Then, he shot his argument in the foot when he showed how well Wicomcio students were scoring and ratio getting into college. We were in the top quintile.
    The point he -mistakenly- made was that a good education was not directly correlated to money spent.
    The BOE will get their money. You know they will. "oh, the poor students"

  35. Anonymous said...
    pre K is not required! but like so much else it is free!!! BOE...start cutting by eliminating pre K, many of which aren't potty trained and the teacher has to stop and change them. then cut out all the free breakfast and sometimes after school program bag dinners. You would not believe how some of these children come to school looking like because they get their self ready for school while mom stays in bed instead of getting up, fixing them breakfast and seeing them off to school. Why should they get up........the BOE is going to feed them! Every child gets free breakfast and many free lunches. Shame shame shame. Maybe instead of food stamps we should provide birth control. And ..........does the public realize how many special needs children are in our schools? Tube feeders, seizures daily etc etc. Alot of these children are unable to learn but BOE provides a teacher to "babysit" them till they are 21 years old. These children need a special school so that the "normal" children can actually learn and the teachers can actually teach!

    May 3, 2018 at 7:12 AM

    Another Bingo!!

    Where were you at Tuesday's Budget Hearing?

  36. Joe did you notice the budget hearing for the county council was held during the night of the regular meeting of the county council? WTH??

    Whose idea was that? Did you also notice it was held in the small council chambers instead of at the Civic Center? Many people had to stand out in the hallway and didn't get to comment. Was this another stupid move by John Cannon?

  37. 7:12 give me a break, those moms you are speaking about are providing a great service to the community and the nation, offering hundreds of future jobs to kops judges bailiffs probation offers and prison guards! we would have to downsize those career fields employment numbers if those lovely parents started offering support guidance to their progeny!

  38. Anonymous said...
    7:12 give me a break, those moms you are speaking about are providing a great service to the community and the nation, offering hundreds of future jobs to kops judges bailiffs probation offers and prison guards! we would have to downsize those career fields employment numbers if those lovely parents started offering support guidance to their progeny!

    May 3, 2018 at 9:01 AM

    LOL... sad, but true!

  39. Anonymous said...
    Years ago, Dr. Frederickson addressed a crowd of parents at Parkside. He showed a chart describing which of the 26 Maryland counties were worse off than Wicomico. I think there were only 2.
    Then, he shot his argument in the foot when he showed how well Wicomcio students were scoring and ratio getting into college. We were in the top quintile.
    The point he -mistakenly- made was that a good education was not directly correlated to money spent.
    The BOE will get their money. You know they will. "oh, the poor students"

    May 3, 2018 at 8:15 AM

    Many people did the same thing as they spoke at the budget hearing.

  40. I was amazed when I saw the guy on pac 14 who was a come here to work at Perdue and he was talking about how bad the schools were and the county needs prek.

    He shot his self in the foot when he ended up mentioning that his daughter was in med school. Stupid idiot! If the schools were so bad then how do these schools turn out excellent Ph.D.'s, MD's, DO's, RN's, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, school teachers, principals, BOE Superintendents, lawyers, sheriff's, and on and on?

  41. Bill Chambers and Mike Dumb begged all the members of those stupid committees to show up for the beg-a-thon and demand the council members fund the BOE the $7.5 Million additional dollars or they won't get re-elected. What a bunch of morons that pretend they are somebody in this county. Go Away!

  42. Did anyone else notice that Dr. Hanlin stole the term "trajectory" for the overused Southern New Hampshire University online college commercial?

    Educators call that plagiarism.

  43. "Jackeroo Heath" is a great name for that buffoon.

  44. Jack Heath had to go to the podium and run his damn mouth about being a come here to work at Occidental Chemical which is now out of business. What does that tell you? Jack Heath ran them out of business.

    Then he was running the Lower Shore Enterprises and he had the Malone woman embezzle several hundred thousand dollars under his watch.

    Is that who you want to run your county? Do not vote for Jack Heath.

    If Jack Heath is advocating to give more money to the Board of Education and raising taxes then we already know what he will do if he gets elected as your County Executive.

    Do not Vote for Jack Heath!!!

  45. Mike Dumb, what an idiot. I wonder if he and his significant other is still Swinging??

  46. Whenever I see or hear Jack Heath, my mind says who could vote for that moron?

  47. Can you imagine if Jack Heath got elected? He would give the BOE everything they asked for.

    Not only that, He and Bill McCain and Jamaad Gould would be leading the pack to lift the revenue cap and you idiots will be paying double taxes.

  48. Jack Heath wants to allow the city of Salisbury to annex the entire county of Wicomico County.

    The downside of that is you will be paying double county and city taxes.... but you might get water and sewer eventually. Then you get to help pay for that $140 Million abortion called the wastewater treatment plant. Then Jack and Jake will keep raising your water and sewer fees even if you don't have water and sewer yet.

    Your choice... Are you sure you still want to vote for Jack Heath?

  49. Bill McCain was at the NAACP Candidates Forum and he said that the Revenue Cap is 18 years old and it's time to get rid of it so the county can fully fund Universal PreK for Dr. Hanlin's strategic plan. And after the Revenue Cap is gone the county can fund everything Dr. Hanlin and the Board of Education asks for, no questions asked.

    Bill McCain also wants the school teachers to be exempted from paying property taxes. What a great idea so that the normal taxpayers will have to pay more taxes to help pay the teachers taxes since they won't be paying any. So get ready to pay the taxes of the school teachers. Great idea isn't it. Vote Bill McCain if you don't mind voting other peoples taxes.

  50. Joe did you see this bullshit where Jake Day is getting the school kids to raise money for that failing National Folk Festival. I don't pay taxes so that my kids can go to Wicomico County Public Schools and then have them waste valuable time to raise money for Jake Day. Bob Culver needs to get his ass in gear and tell Dr. Hanlin to cut this shit out our the county funding will be cut for schools. The County Council needs to get some balls and stand up to this also. These are county schools, not city schools and no way in this world should our students in our county schools waste their valuable time to raise money for Jake Day and the City of Salisbru.

    Look at the idiots listed at the bottom. Mike Dunn, Michelle Wright, Dick Morris and Stephanie Willey.

    "A new, fun initiative" my A$$.

    They are BEGGING for money and this has gotten pathetic making school kids raise money for something Salisbury can't afford. Jake Day you are a failure.

    If these kids are challenged to raise money then they should be raising money to fund Dr. Hanlin's request for Universal Pre K! This is crazy and has to be stopped. This is Mike Dunn's idea and it has to stop.

    If the City and Jake Day can't afford the National Folk Festival then it should be stopped immediately.

    City, NCTA Announce 2018 High School Challenge

    Salisbury – The City and the National Council for the Traditional Arts (NCTA) are excited to announce a fun new initiative to help raise money to fund the upcoming National Folk Festival in Salisbury, Maryland.

    For three days in September, Salisbury will be the center of national attention. 60-80,000 visitors are expected to come for folk music and art, and explore the beauty and richness of the Delmarva peninsula. The Festival is projected to bring in between $15-30 million dollars in direct spending through hotels, restaurants, and shopping. Over 350 artists will take part in this 3-day FREE festival—with more than 25 different musical groups performing continuously on 7 stages, including a Dance Pavilion, a juried Festival Marketplace, a Family Area, and the Maryland Folklife area

    To help raise the money needed to pull off such a massive undertaking, the City and the NCTA have announced a challenge for local high schools: a friendly competition to raise the most money *by school. Local High Schools will rally their classmates—both current and alumni—to raise funds in the name of their alma mater to help offset the cost of the National Folk Festival. The winning High School(s) will be acknowledged at the Folk Festival, and will have their contribution celebrated with a brick in the Legacy Society wall.

    Contributing in the name of your High School is easy (AND TAX-DEDUCTIBLE) – simply contact your High School Challenge Leader below to submit a pledge or contribution in any amount with your name and school or make a donation online at: https://www.nationalfolkfestival.com/HSC
    Winners will be announced at the Festival for the High School with the 'HIGHEST PARTICIPATION' and the 'MOST MONEY RAISED’.
    Friends and Friendly Competitors - We need your Time, Talent, Treasure!

    Dick Morris, Bennett High School

    Michelle Wright, Mardela High School

    Stephanie Willey, Parkside High School

    Mike Dunn, Wicomico High School

    DORKS^^^ Michelle Wright you are an idiot!

  51. I saw a Rotary Club post that Kathleen McLain made about Mike Dumb, President and CEO of the Greater Salisbury Committee/

    1) Who is Mike Dunn??
    2) WTH is the Greater Salisbury Committee
    3) WTH is a President and CEO of an organization? Why aren't they just the President or just the CEO?
    4) WTH does Mike Dunn do that keeps his schedule so busy? There is no production whatsoever with that organization. Only 1 employee other than the secretary. There is nothing that the GSC does that can justify a full-time President and CEO and the secretary.
    4) Mike Dunn and Barrie Tilghman ran the City of Salisbury in the ground now some dumb "Business Leaders" in Salisbury hired Mike Dunn to be a President and CEO. That is so laughable. Now Mike Dunn is using the so-called Greater Salisbury Committee to run the Board of Education and Wicomico County into the ground.
    5) Why is Kathleen McLain trying to be relevant? Never was and never will be.

    Kathleen McLain
    August 3, 2017 ·

    Many thanks to Mike Dunn, President and CEO of The Greater Salisbury Committee, for taking time out of his busy schedule to speak to the Rotary Club of Salisbury about the many projects of the GSC. Great job, Mike and the GSC!!

  52. Anonymous said...
    Mike Dumb, what an idiot. I wonder if he and his significant other is still Swinging??

    May 3, 2018 at 5:17 PM

    Bwahahahahahahahaha! Mike Dumb's significant other got one of those "augmentations" to enhance their chances at swinging. I always wondered why she did that.

  53. Storm Warning

    Jack Heath will campaign for more $$$ for the Board of Education and a special tax break for property in Salisbury. And that means he will have several core groups of voters, including Salisbury residents, and parents of school age children and teachers throughout the county. He could be a formidable candidate in November, especially if the Democrat doofus decides to call it quits.

    Recall that 4 years ago at this point nobody thought that the incumbent county executive would be defeated.

  54. The whole US public "education" system is a joke-the "teachers" being at the root of it. They complain about having to babysit students. They use this as their excuse to demand more money. Common sense and intelligence which most "educators" are lacking will tell you more money isn't going to improve student behaviors. If their job is made so much harder by the students then protest or demand change to disciplinary mandates. But they won't do that because "educators" have allowed themselves to be nothing more then slaves to the union and the democrat plantations.

  55. Look at the board I.e. Supervisors, superintendent, etc. to see where the money is going. I've taught over 10 years and don't even make $60k. I spend my own money because we are given a small yearly stipend for extra supplies. Usually $300. Not complaining because I will buy what the children need but realize that this extra money in the budget is not going to teachers for student use.

  56. Anonymous said...
    Correct. The income is guaranteed. The amount is not!

    May 6, 2018 at 10:15 AM

    What are you talking about? Why is it that people make comments like this and we don't know what they are referring to?

  57. Anonymous said...
    So? What's your beef?

    May 6, 2018 at 10:54 AM

    Who are you talking to?

  58. When the teachers complain about not having a pay raise in X amount of years that is a lie. They negotiated for some sort of increase every year and got it. Some years not only did they get their increase they got another increase to put them up where they were supposed to be with their increases every year.

    Not to mention all those years that the State, County and City employees endured many, I say MANY Furloughs. Guess how many Furloughs the teachers took??? NONE!!

    That's right, when all government workers in Wicomico County was struggling to make ends meet the teachers, supervisors, admins and Superintendent was living high on the hog.

    The other government employees didn't get caught up like the teachers did. Some still haven't gotten pay raises. Many government employees are still struggling to make ends meet and may never get caught up to where they are supposed to be. The teachers were able to bank that extra pay. The teachers were able to put that extra pay into their retirement where other government employees will be retiring at a much lower level because their pay was cut to make up for balancing the budget. The other government employees took pay cuts so that the Liberal teachers could keep getting paid. These lazy, selfless teachers always cry "it's for the kids" but they all know damn well it's for their paychecks.

    No Universal Pre-k, No free Community College.

  59. When you keep hearing the Board of Education crying about needing more money to pay teachers more because they are leaving the school system to take jobs elsewhere? Guess what? They were leaving anyway. Most all are going back to their home counties. Any idiot knows that people take the first or only job offered to them until the can get hired in their own counties to be closer to their home and their families. Quit falling for that tired mantra from the Board of Education.

  60. I was talking to the person that said the income is guaranteed but amount is not.

  61. I was at that meeting when John Palmer was talking about how the revenue cap needed to be removed. Since he is employed by the school system he now wants it gone. He knows he will now benefit from it being gone and then if it goes thru about the exemption of taxes of teachers etc. He will benefit greatly. Do Not vote for either of these greedy axed baffoons. They are also all in cahoots against Bob Culver and others that oppose them. Voting for Jackaroo and Palmer and the other Democrats will only land you higher taxes. All in the name of the children as always. Because of events going on voter turn out will be very low. Get your axes out and vote this June. Its your wallets and stake. vote the down ballet even if you don't like the incumbent Governor. Get your axes to the polls...vote early if possible. For Wicomico County its at the civic center. Don't sit it out. You will be sorry if you do.


  62. Anonymous said...
    Storm Warning

    Jack Heath will campaign for more $$$ for the Board of Education and a special tax break for property in Salisbury. And that means he will have several core groups of voters, including Salisbury residents, and parents of school age children and teachers throughout the county. He could be a formidable candidate in November, especially if the Democrat doofus decides to call it quits.

    Recall that 4 years ago at this point nobody thought that the incumbent county executive would be defeated.

    Double Ditto That!

    And the Jackeroo will support that multi-million dollar office for the Sheriff and big pay raised for the County employees to get their support. He will probably also propose full funding for station 13 to get their support too.

  63. Heath has two daughters that are teachers. One was a teacher of the year and still teaches in the county. The other left to pursue an exercise program. He will fight for the schools since he has several grandkids in the system.


    It's 2:40 AM and Station 1 and Paramedic 1 is being dispatched for a shooting at 218 Hall Drive. Reported that SPD is on the scene and the scene is secure

    Paramedic 1 advises Responding at 2:41 AM

    Truck 2 advises Responding at 2:43 AM

    Central tells Paramedic A-1 to Contact the office public service please(don't know what the secret is that they can't say it over the air.)

    Another shooting in Salisbury. I guess Jake Day is going to have this one classified as an "Assault" again. Can't have the Foke Festivus Peoples find out that Salisbury is the most crime-ridden small town in the Country.

    Paramedic 1 advises on location at 2:47 AM.

    Truck 1 advises on location 121 A has command at 2:47 AM

    Took them long enough to get there and Paramedic 1 had a 2-minute jump on the Truck with the sleepy head Firemen. What's up with that?

    Hall Drive Command advises to Central under Control. Central advise PRMC that we have a 6-year-old trauma Priority 1 @ 2:56 AM. Sounds like he said 6 year old? WTH is up with a 6-year-old getting shot?

    Paramedic A-1 advises Transporting and upgrading staffing to 4 at 3:00 AM. Thirteen minutes on scene with a shooting is extremely way too long. If they have 4 people in that ambulance there is no reason that one person could drive and the other 3 work on the patient. They aren't doing surgery so there isn't any reason this wasn't a Load and Go scenario. That is basic trauma life support. Stay and play isn't an option when you have a shooting, especially if it is a 6-year-old. The only treatment required is a backboard, oxygen, IV, and attach to the heart monitor. Why couldn't they do that en route to the hospital and allow that patient to have at least 5 more minutes for real doctors to save the patients life?

    Hall Drive Command advises Truck 1 is en route to the hospital unavailable at 3:02 AM

    Paramedic A-1 advises they are arriving at PRMC at 3:05 AM. That was a 5 minute ETA to the hospital.

    Truck 1 advises they are arriving at PRMC at 3:05 AM. That was a 3 minute ETA to the hospital.

    Paramedic 1 gets to the hospital in 5 minutes and Truck 1 gets there in 3 minutes?? WTH is up with that?? Truck 1 is supposed to drive to the hospital without lights and siren and follow all rules of the road. Paramedic 1 is required to respond to the hospital with lights and siren because it is a priority 1 patient and it takes them 5 minutes and Truck 1 gets to the hospital in 3 minutes and they should have been driving the speed limit?? Those are the facts, ladies and gentleman. I am working at another station and wide awake and documenting this call. Something is wrong with this picture!!

    This is why Salisbury needs another Fire Chief that has real EMS experience. Maybe it's time to hire outside the department again!


    May 7, 2018 @ 2:40 AM

    It's 2:40 AM and Station 1 and Paramedic 1 is being dispatched for a shooting at 218 Hall Drive. Reported that SPD is on the scene and the scene is secure

    Paramedic 1 advises Responding at 2:41 AM

    Truck 2 advises Responding at 2:43 AM

    Central tells Paramedic A-1 to Contact the office public service please(don't know what the secret is that they can't say it over the air.)

    Another shooting in Salisbury. I guess Jake Day is going to have this one classified as an "Assault" again. Can't have the Foke Festivus Peoples find out that Salisbury is the most crime-ridden small town in the Country.

    Paramedic 1 advises on location at 2:47 AM.

    Truck 1 advises on location 121 A has command at 2:47 AM

    Took them long enough to get there and Paramedic 1 had a 2-minute jump on the Truck with the sleepy head Firemen. What's up with that?

    Hall Drive Command advises to Central under Control. Central advise PRMC that we have a 6-year-old trauma Priority 1 @ 2:56 AM. Sounds like he said 6 year old? WTH is up with a 6-year-old getting shot?

    Paramedic A-1 advises Transporting and upgrading staffing to 4 at 3:00 AM. Thirteen minutes on scene with a shooting is extremely way too long. If they have 4 people in that ambulance there is no reason that one person could drive and the other 3 work on the patient. They aren't doing surgery so there isn't any reason this wasn't a Load and Go scenario. That is basic trauma life support. Stay and play isn't an option when you have a shooting, especially if it is a 6-year-old. The only treatment required is a backboard, oxygen, IV, and attach to the heart monitor. Why couldn't they do that en route to the hospital and allow that patient to have at least 5 more minutes for real doctors to save the patients life?

    Hall Drive Command advises Truck 1 is en route to the hospital unavailable at 3:02 AM

    Paramedic A-1 advises they are arriving at PRMC at 3:05 AM. That was a 5 minute ETA to the hospital.

    Truck 1 advises they are arriving at PRMC at 3:05 AM. That was a 3 minute ETA to the hospital.

    Paramedic 1 gets to the hospital in 5 minutes and Truck 1 gets there in 3 minutes?? WTH is up with that?? Truck 1 is supposed to drive to the hospital without lights and siren and follow all rules of the road. Paramedic 1 is required to respond to the hospital with lights and siren because it is a priority 1 patient and it takes them 5 minutes and Truck 1 gets to the hospital in 3 minutes and they should have been driving the speed limit?? Those are the facts, ladies and gentleman. I am working at another station and wide awake and documenting this call. Something is wrong with this picture!!

    This is why Salisbury needs another Fire Chief that has real EMS experience. Maybe it's time to hire outside the department again!

  66. Another bornhere that thinks he is smart than everyone else. Scanner jockeys need to get a life.

  67. It's ridiculous how much they are paying Paul Butler to do PR. They could hire two teachers with that salary.


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