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Monday, May 28, 2018

When Your Waitress Asks, "Would You Like To Add Fries For $1.50"

Yeah, but I'd like to get a $1.50 worth of fries, HELLO!


  1. Ocean City restaurant?

  2. slider w\ = amount of fries

  3. My answer would be "No, and I don't want that nasty looking sandwich either."

  4. We must all take inflation into account.

  5. buy a large fries and get the same amount as a small at McDonalds

  6. Pizza Tugo's specializes in what? HELLO????

    Five Guy's specializes in what???? EXACTLY!

    Hopefully this simple little mind quiz was successful!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    My answer would be "No, and I don't want that nasty looking sandwich either."

    May 28, 2018 at 9:01 AM

    it does but I bet it tastes good

  8. We should really shown them and not even eat that crap anymore - let's all go vegan, shop locally and change the world! OMG there's an idea - lets see how many attack me!!!

    1. I’ll back you up, that stuff is pure garbage. Keep money in the community, mock it all you want, it works.

    2. 3:59- Nah. You're not worth it.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Pizza Tugo's specializes in what? HELLO????

    Five Guy's specializes in what???? EXACTLY!

    Hopefully this simple little mind quiz was successful!

    May 28, 2018 at 3:07 PM

    It does not matter. If an item is being sold, it should at least measure up to industry standards. Not everyone accepts being mistreated and ripped off. YOU will always get what you've always gotten because of you don't know you have the power to change things by just speaking up.


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