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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Wells Fargo Employees Caught Improperly Altering Business Customers' Docs

Just when you thought that after the last criminal offense by Wells Fargo (which as a reminder was pushing customers into higher-fee retirement accounts), surely there was no way Warren Buffett's favorite criminal organization would be caught again engaging in some even more bizarre criminal activity.

Alas, it was not meant to be as Wells somehow always finds a way, and moments ago the WSJ reported that in the latest scandal involving America's largest mortgage lender, "some employees" in Wells Fargo’s business banking, aka "wholesale" unit and is separate from Wells' retail division, improperly altered information on documents related to corporate customers without their knowledge.

The Information adjusted by Wells employees varied from social security numbers to addresses to dates of birth for people associated with business-banking clients, with the bulk of incidents reportedly taking place in 2017 and early 2018, as Wells Fargo was trying to meet a deadline to comply with a regulatory consent order related to the bank’s anti-money-laundering controls.


1 comment:

  1. Someone needs to ream out these elitist bankers!


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