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Friday, May 18, 2018

WCSO Press Release

Incident: Possession of CDS
Date of Incident: 16 May 2018
Location: West Rd and Isabella St, Salisbury.
Suspect: Brittingham, Jake O. 51 of Salisbury
On 5-16-18, a Deputy was patrolling Salisbury’s West Side when he witnessed a traffic violation and conducted a traffic stop. A Sheriff’s K9 Unit arrived to assist with the stop. The CDS detection K9 alerted to the odor of CDS coming from the vehicle. The Deputy searched the car and located a small amount of suspected crack cocaine in the car. Jake Brittingham was arrested and was transported to Central Booking. Brittingham was later released on his personal recognizance by the District Court Commissioner.
Charges: CDS Possession, Crack Cocaine


  1. ha ha ha, nothing like a little profiling. I wonder what gave them the right to search when there was no evidence other than the K9.

    Will all of us now be subjected to K9 searches for a simple moving violation?

  2. Profiling works better than anything else good work.

  3. In Wicomico county, yes. Do everything possible to avoid any contact with LEO. They are not there to help you.

  4. So you are pissed that this good citizen was arrested?

  5. I seen this stop. Both cops were already behind him with lights on before they every pulled him over. Dam WCSO tell the whole truth. Makes one wonder if the man even had anything on him at all.

  6. @1:19 Says the drug dealer

  7. Boohoo cry babies the man had crack cocaine in the vehicle. I guess you tards think it is ok to ride around stoned or violating the the law. If the crack was not there he would have been on his way. Libtards amaze me. I guess if he was white this would have been o.k. right. Hypocrites !!!!!!!!!

  8. If pot is now decriminalized and a civil penalty, how are you supposed to get it to your home to smoke without driving and risking being pulled over and "searched" by a dog?

  9. Profiling yet the guy had crack on him. Think about that for a second.

  10. A persons' history goes just a bit deeper than profiling.

  11. Excellent work!

  12. Profiling is just that. A profile has been compiled based on past experience and situations. Don't complain when YOU have created it!

  13. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I seen this stop. Both cops were already behind him with lights on before they every pulled him over. Dam WCSO tell the whole truth. Makes one wonder if the man even had anything on him at all".

    May 18, 2018 at 1:52 PM

    Cops usually are behind people with the lights on when they pull people over! The dog can "hit" on a narcotic in a car and that gives them something called "probable cause" to search the car, driver and all occupants and then if they find said narcotic during the search and none of the people in the car will say it's their drugs they all get locked up for Constructive possession.

  14. If your not hiding anything you shouldn't worry about being checked with a k9. Bet you people wouldn't be saying much if he gave that to a loved one and they overdosed would you now get a life one less piece of trash with drug's. Profile all you want hopefully it leads to something bigger.


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