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Sunday, May 06, 2018

WBOC Refuses To Mention Bike Week

In years past, all local media sources would be kind enough to bring up Bike Week. More importantly they'd regularly ask their viewers to LOOK TWICE and be very careful as thousands of bikers will be here on the shore. I wonder what changed???


  1. Frank Draper passed away notice all the changes at the station since he's passed

  2. WBOC the Dover news source. If it didn't happen in Delaware then it does/didn't happen. It's not going to be held in Delaware so they will have no coverage of it. WBOC has gone to hell. Release that Video WBOC!

  3. What changed?

    Four possibilities:

    1. Someone at WBOC said: "That Damn Albero is catering to that bunch of redneck deplorables at his new watering hole. Let's not draw any attention to this biker event unless there's some trouble so we can paint them in a negative light".

    2. They're very busy worrying about Dover and "The Monster Mile".

    3. They're just a really, really, really lousy source for actual news. I found it interesting that for all the hoopla and coverage they gave the great Salisbury Marathon, they forgot to cover the actual marathon. Here's a news flash for WBOC! The marathon itself is actually a race with different divisions. There are winners in each division. It was also a qualifying event for the New York and Boston marathons. If you run fast enough, you qualify to run in those marathons. After watching WBOC's coverage, I wonder who won? I wonder how many runners qualified for the major marathons at the Salisbury marathon? I wonder if Boy Mayor Day completed the entire 26.2 miles?

    4. All of the above.

  4. Joe, thanks for reminding us. There are a few weekends we stay out of OC. This is one. Cruiser is another.
    I'm glad OC helps bring in the bikers. It's just not for some people. The noise is unbelievable.

  5. Bikers = Big Problems

    1. Why....because your wife won’t let you have one?

    2. No problems at all had a great time.... also there is problems every week end every where.... get a life for yourself

  6. I quit watching WBOC month's ago. I got tired of the all Delaware, all the time news!
    WMDT does a better job of reporting happenings around Salisbury and Maryland. They even showcase local restaurants and businesses in our area.
    Because of this, I watch WMDT. They seem to care about Delmarva in general and the people who live and work here. I can't stomach Jimmy Hoppa or Dan the inaccurate weatherman!

    1. I agree I watch WMDT love it.I gave up on WBOC they seem to cater to Delaware more than Salisbury and my area.I can't watch Dan either.

  7. 9:07 hey dumbo, who is Frank Draper?

  8. You'd think that they'd have frequent Bike Week reminders to help with courtesy on the roadways. You know, as a public service?

  9. I'm betting that the college sponsored bicycle events (Seagull Century?) will get press but Bike Week will not get the same amount of coverage.

  10. a lot of people are not biker friendly here, maybe they joined that crowd

  11. Will the Salisbury pink bikes be there lol.

  12. Went to Springfest today. Did not see many bikers at all!

  13. They cover to much world news, not enough local.and they they repeat the same things over every news cast. On to many times a day !

  14. Anyone else sick of Lisa Bryant's annoying fake laugh?

  15. Wboc sucks. Like everyone said if you want to know what's happening in Delaware then they are your news source. If you want to know what's happening in Maryland watch wmdt or just check facebook you'll get more accurate news that way.

  16. I think the reason WBOC doesn't say anything about bike week or bikes to the beach is because they don't sponsor nothing to do with bikes but if you look at WMDT they do sponsor and they are part of a sponsor ship for bike week and bikes to the beach that's why WBOC doesn't say anything about it

  17. WBOC would have non-stop reporting if it was a gay pride march.

  18. David Rommel doesn’t buy respect, he earns it.

  19. Not all bikers are rude,and loud!! I know alot of bikers that support our Veterans and different groups that are amazing people!! Cruzin in OC is amazing again not all people with classic cars are rude,and obnoxious actually they are great people as well.We go to the car show every year and we have a classic car and we are very respectful and we just enjoy the family of cruisers.My opinion you don't like these events don't go! These events bring alot of money and support to our local economy! People always have something to complain about I guess maybe they are bored or never happy!! WBOC TV may be liked by some but I'm not one of them I support WMDT TV they do our local news well,their TV anchors are fantastic as well as there weather team plus there sports news cast too.


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