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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

WALSH: The Only Thing Preventing Us From Descending Into Civil War

We’re told that “division” and “partisanship” and “bigotry” are destroying America. “Hate" is the cancer in our cultural bloodstream, they say. We must fight against hate speech and hate crimes and hate in every other form. There is so much hate, allegedly. Some people are even worried that another civil war might be on the horizon.

I think we flatter ourselves. There will be no civil war. We’re far too lazy for such an onerous pursuit. It’s easier to snipe at each other in the comments section or shoot off insults on social media. We much prefer a tweet war to an actual war because tweet wars don’t interrupt a Netflix binge.

During the real Civil War, men marched over mountains in bare feet in the winter. They lived on salt pork and black coffee made from acorns. They charged headlong into cannon fire. They used whiskey as an anesthetic while they had their limbs amputated. They had convictions, and they died for them.

We do not have that kind of conviction. We have enough conviction to participate in a hashtag campaign, or to hurl a snarky gif at our cowering adversaries, but civil war? We need not worry our silly heads about that. We spend literally billions of dollars on iPhone upgrades, porn, video games, tickets to superhero films, and accessories for our pets. How many people would be willing to jeopardize a life of such insane, stifling luxury for the sake of fighting a gruesome battle out in the street? Not many. Not nearly enough to get even a halfway respectable war together.



  1. Obama started it. Obama started the war on cops. Obama is the Great Divider. Obama started the Civil War II.

  2. Come to confiscate the guns that ensure our way of life and find out the convictions first hand.

  3. A hate monger above have spoken. Don't blame the Obama administration. Blame youself. After a year, your still hating on Obama.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A hate monger above have spoken. Don't blame the Obama administration. Blame youself. After a year, your still hating on Obama.

    May 16, 2018 at 9:44 AM

    Why would he, or anyone, hate themselves and not hate the actions of the one responsible? Obammys actions have had a lasting effect but at least now they are being corrected. He had his time in the sun, trouble is he put this country and many people in his shadow. But the sun has begun to shine again with the new sherrif in town.


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