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Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Trump: Push for Congressional Term Limits Has My 'Full Support and Endorsement'

President Donald Trump on Monday said an effort by a bipartisan group of freshman lawmakers to institute congressional term limits has his "full support and endorsement."

"I recently had a terrific meeting with a bipartisan group of freshman lawmakers who feel very strongly in favor of Congressional term limits," Trump tweeted. "I gave them my full support and endorsement for their efforts. #DrainTheSwamp."
I recently had a terrific meeting with a bipartisan group of freshman lawmakers who feel very strongly in favor of Congressional term limits. I gave them my full support and endorsement for their efforts.
Washington Post reporter Robert Costa sent out a tweet shortly after Trump with a contradicting account of what was discussed at the meeting, saying the term limits applied to "congressional staffers."

"[S]ources quite familiar w/ this meeting tell me that term limits for congressional *staffers* was discussed by some lawmakers," Costa tweeted. "But the idea was shelved when someone pointed out it wouldn't be best to make that a Constitutional amendment."



  1. I think it has everyone's endorsement. Just remember the minimal time they spend doing something vs the time they spend campaigning

  2. In my opinion term limits are the only way our Republic will come back. But the hardest thing to do is get lawmakers to vote against their own interests. If Trump can accomplish this he will go down in history as being the most successful president ever.

  3. Fake or lies!!!! Politicians won't vote themselves out of the job!!!! Period!!! And just wait for the back end deals that go in the back of the bill secretly before it is signed...

  4. No pensions after fours years either.

  5. This needs to be an Executive Order!

  6. We already have term limits. It's called elections. Congress only serves for 2 years then their term is over. If they want to serve again then they have to get re-elected. If the people didn't want their representative then they would vote for someone else.

    See ya!

  7. Make it 2 yrs 4 terms max then out

  8. 2terms is long enough. Politians complain they cannot get worth while bills through to law, That means if they cannot pass anything collectively then it was not a worth while bill for the citizens. Increase the time they have to serve consecutive to get a pension. 12 years is not enough time to get a $170,000 pension

  9. Politians complain they cannot get worth while bills through to law, That means if they cannot pass anything collectively then it was not a worth while bill for the citizens. May 1, 2018 at 5:45 PM

    Or maybe there is a concerted effort to derail a worthwhile bill that would benefit the citizenry. There are many factors at play in politics and nothing is as it seems.

    While I agree with limiting professional politicians terms and power, if there is a fresh batch every 2 or 4 years, no one would know what to do and even LESS would be accomplished in those hallowed halls.

    Be careful what you wish for.


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