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Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Trump Names First Woman CIA Chief; Dems & ACLU Immediately SLAM Her

"She was up to her eyeballs in torture..."

On Tuesday, President Trump shook up his administration once again through a high-profile firing and a pair of nominations, one of which was historic. Trump abruptly removed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday and announced that his replacement would be CIA Chief Mike Pompeo. To fill Pompeo's position, the president nominated what would be the first woman to ever to lead the CIA, Gina Haspel.

Haspel's appointment, said Trump, would be "a historic milestone."

"Gina, by the way, who I know very well, who I've worked with very closely, will be the first woman director of the CIA," Trump told the press Tuesday. "She's an outstanding person, who also I have gotten to know very well."



  1. And the libtards are dumb and blind to the hypocrisy.

  2. Yep and i bet hillary and micheal are pissed off too. How dare they appoint a conservative women who is actually very smart when compared to the dimwited democrat split tails..

  3. Sounds like What SALISBURY did to the first woman public works director. Uh??

  4. Wow. Only 3 comments?? Really??? Run Joe but you can't hide from the TRUTH. Your a male who hates women. PIG!!


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