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Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Trump considers shoving John Kelly by appointing him to lead the VA

President Donald Trump has considered getting rid of John Kelly and sending him to run the Veterans Administration.

The change would solve two problems at once: how to quickly mute the Washington-wide conflicts over his previous VA nominee Dr. Ronny Jackson, and what to do with a chief of staff who has become a less effective manager and has reportedly called him 'an idiot' in private.

Kelly would likely have an easy time winning his second Senate confirmation: He was originally green-lighted by an 88-11 vote to head the Department of Homeland Security.

The Wall Street Journal cited a White House source on Monday who said '[t]here have been discussions among the senior staff and the president directly about the possibility of Gen. Kelly going there [to the VA].'

Kelly lashed out Monday at an NBC News report that he had questioned the president's intelligence during an early April meeting, saying in a rare personal statement that it was 'total BS.'


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