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Thursday, May 03, 2018

The World Wants Its Gold Back From the U.S.

We’re all familiar with the so-called “run on the bank.” It usually begins quietly with just a few depositors getting nervous about the solvency of the bank.

They line up to get their cash out before the bank closes its doors. Soon the word spreads and the line gets longer. The bank projects an air of confidence and gives cash to depositors who request it as long as they can, but pretty soon the cash runs out.

The classic image of this is the scene from the Christmas-season film It’s a Wonderful Life, with Jimmy Stewart. We’ve all seen it. Now something similar is happening at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.



  1. Who has the gold makes the rules.

  2. Is this minus what they already owe us?or have we already been fleeced by our previous so called president and their merry band of THIEVES! And sold down the river, why do you think they want our guns so bad? Its gonna get ugly! Who do you think is gonna loose that battle? All of us thats who! But we have enough immigrant ingrates ready to Take without giving.

  3. Is this minus what they already owe us?or have we already been fleeced by our previous so called president and their merry band of THIEVES! And sold down the river, why do you think they want our guns so bad? Its gonna get ugly! Who do you think is gonna loose that battle? All of us thats who! But we have enough immigrant ingrates ready to Take without giving.

  4. Its not going to be pretty.

  5. The Fed and other Central Banks have sold their Nations’ gold in an effort to suppress the price. This price manipulation (COMEX) has been exposed and well documented by Andrew McGuire and Paul Roberts. It was done to prop up the currencies.

    Eastern Countries have been selling US Dollars for gold. Gold is a real asset and has been for centuries. Fiat currencies are worthless and those in the know are the very ones who want their gold!

    The US is being exposed as a criminal government who has allowed the Fed to destroy its currency. World Reserve status will soon end.

    The commenter is correct for connecting this event with the efforts to confiscate private guns. The US is heading for collapse because it renigged on the Breton Woods Agreement.

  6. 5:44
    That makes sense. I’ve read this similar thought before and believe you are right. The government is corrupt, this is why we elected Donald Trump. Now they are trying to take him down. Ron Paul has been saying for years that the government debased the currency. This is why it accuses China of manipulating its currency. The truth is the United States is manipulating by debasing the currency. China refuses to go along with it. So they are selling our bonds and buying our gold. They don’t trust us to honor the Bonds because we are bankrupt. Our Nation is truly in trouble.

  7. There has been an international plan to divide America up among several nations for 100 years...Our corrupt politicians have sold America out with debt and they are knocking at our door for payment.


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