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Monday, May 28, 2018

The Millennial Who Wouldn't Move Out Got a Bizarre Pep Talk from Alex Jones

The Infowars host gave the 30-year-old some good advice (and $3,000), then shared some opinions about globalists.

Michael Rotondo has had a strange week. The unemployed 30-year-old became an odd sort of celebrity when a news story about his parents trying to evict him from their house went viral, and he's become both a cautionary tale and a stand-in for a generation that is staying in the nest longer than previous cohorts of young people.

He's been on CNN and Fox News to defend himself, but those appearances just seemed to make him a target for more ridicule. 

Then, on Friday, he popped up on Alex Jones's Infowars show.

1 comment:

  1. 101 students in the US owe $1 million or more in student loans EACH.I realize that is not entirely relevant to this post,but it does factor into some situations.On the flip side,a record number of workers in the US have $1 million or more in their 401K accounts.


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