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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Subject: WATCH: Keith Ellison Wears Shirt Calling For End Of America's National Sovereignty

Last week, Democratic National Committee Deputy Chair Keith Ellison attended a May Day parade in Minneapolis, Minnesota where he wore a T-shirt that advocated for the end of America's borders.

Ellison's shirt, which was written in Spanish, said “Yo No Creo En Fronteras,” which translates to “I don’t believe in borders.”



  1. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  2. Is this a shock to everyone?

  3. Does he lock his front door?

    Mr. Bob

  4. The reason he doesn't believe in borders is because as muslim he believes in global sharia law. There are no borders for muslims except where the Sunni and the Shia muslims want to ban/kill the other group.


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