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Friday, May 04, 2018

Special Exception Sought To Transform Historic Berlin Home Into Spa

BERLIN – It is not clear whether plans for a spa in a historic Berlin home will move forward following a board of appeals hearing this week.

On Wednesday the Berlin Board of Zoning Appeals voted 2-1 to grant 509 S. Main St. a special exception for a conditional business use in the residential district. After the vote, however, town staff said it was possible that approval of the special exception, which would allow the property to be turned into a spa, required a unanimous vote. As of Thursday, the issue was still being researched.

South Point residents Cynthia and Anthony Betterson told the board they wanted to buy the house at 509 S. Main St., known as Waverly, and turn it into “The Lavender Spa at Waverly.” The house, which was built in 1842 and is currently owned by Ernest Gerardi, has been vacant for years.



  1. Vote NO!! It's a historic building not a spa.

  2. Why do people move to towns like Berlin because of its small town charm and then proceed to destroy the small town charm?

  3. 3:22 PM how are they destroying the charm by opening a business?

  4. I could see the value of rescuing the property if by Spa they mean actual health spa and maintain the historical presence of the building, but not if we’re talking “happy ending” spa.

    1. A happy ending spa is EXACTLY what the doctor ordered. Everyone's attitude would improve

  5. Yeah, we don't need any more jobs around here or a business that draws people to the area that also spend money at other businesses. We are striving to be Salisbury one day.

  6. If it doesn't serve alcohol to bad mayor gee won't vote for it.


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