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Monday, May 07, 2018

Soros Funding Smartphone App to Help Illegal Immigrants Avoid Law Enforcement

A George Soros-funded smartphone app is meant to explicitly help the undocumented evade federal authority.

In an interview with Fox Business’s Lou Dobbs, Judicial Watch Director of Research Chris Farrell called the smartphone application “pretty outrageous.” In order to escape arrest, Farrell said that the app “provides notice to their friends and family, it alerts their attorney.” The app will also have automated alerts of any impending interaction with an immigration official, whether with the person in question, their family, or even their lawyer.

According to its website, it “gives you and your family a help button to alert key contacts if anyone is at risk of deportation.” Prospective users are told to “simply create your messages today and you will be ready to press a button for help when you or your family needs it. Alerts are designed to inform family members, legal advocates, and other contacts that the sender may have been detained by the police or Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).”


1 comment:

  1. I for one certainly wish Trump would put the kibash on this commie. Have the IRS invade his home and offices, freeze all assets, seize every computer and telephone. Fly him to Guantanamo where he can retire on the US government dole in the steamy Cuban sun.


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