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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Scout Me Out


  1. What are the Girl Scouts called now?

  2. So will the girls scouts change to allow boys in?

  3. The Girl Scouts are not similar to Boy Scouts. The Girl Scouts is a multi-million dollar company located in New York City and is all about fund-raising and paying executive salaries. They have a tyrannical structure and not about healthy upbringing of kids/young adults and teaching them valuable life skills.

    That's why so many girls are joining boy scouts. There are "no" boys or their parents wanting to join girl scouts.

  4. What kind of cookies will they be selling?

  5. All this is, is a way to mess up your mind and this country and to make you look over here while they do something more sinister over there...

    They are turning what made this country great backwards, and up is down and right is left and so on... They want you to argue and fight about all of this junk to distract you from what the politicians are truly trying to to, or whom ever, but I say it is the politicians!!! They want us divided, becasue divided we fall, united we stand!!! If you are divided you are distracted!!!!

    If you can't see the lunacy then you are part of the problem... The girls have the Girl Scouts, so why do the boys need to let in the girls??? The boys have the boy scouts so why do the girls need to let the boys in??? If transgender or gays or faggots or whom ever, want their own, they can easily form a scout troop for that!!! But becasue the boys scouts were formed and mostly funded by Christians and churches, that is why they want to interject... Why else can a non religious person sue and do what they want and have so called rights, but you don't and can't???? You have to take some rights from one to let another have theirs, in this regard...

    Just like it is just as easy to have 3 bathrooms instead of just girls and boys, or how it is just as easy to have multiple single user bathrooms where you can lock them an only one person at a time can enter, like they have for changing rooms for mom's and babies!!!! but no one talks about that, no one offers that option...

  6. My understanding of letting girls into the boy scouts was because enrollment was down.

  7. Separate programs & troops but will they be equal????

  8. After "Ad-Venturing" the other new program is "Family Scouting" for the new scout moms and dads.

  9. Anonymous said...
    My understanding of letting girls into the boy scouts was because enrollment was down.

    May 10, 2018 at 12:22 PM

    Pay attention you dumb a$$! It's idiots like you that are too dumb to vote.


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