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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Royal wedding guest's gift bag goes for nearly $30K on Ebay

She made a royal killing.

A British woman named Claire Oliver hawked her free royal wedding gift bag on eBay — for close to $30,000.

The 31-year-old human resources manager was one of the 1,200 people invited to spend Saturday outside St George’s Chapel to get a peek at the royal couple on their big day, for demonstrating “strong leadership in their communities.”

“I get to watch the royal wedding right outside Windsor Castle in this amazing setting. Such an amazing day #Goldenticket #RoyalConnections,” she posted on Twitter the day of the wedding,according to the Daily Mail.

She scored the coveted invite because she works for Troup Bywaters — an engineering firm whose work offering young people apprenticeships is a cause close to Prince Harry’s heart.


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