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Friday, May 04, 2018

Rod Rosenstein has let Mueller go far too far

Rod Rosenstein is doing a star turn as principled defender of the law, but he’s performed abysmally as deputy attorney general and President Trump would be fully justified in firing him.

The leaked questions special counsel Robert Mueller wants to ask Trump in a prospective deposition are, if accurate, a sign that Mueller has spun out of control on Rosenstein’s watch. The questions suggest a free-floating investigation of the president’s motives, undertaken by a subordinate of the president. This is unlike any special-counsel investigation we’ve ever seen and represents a significant distortion of our system.

Per the questions, Mueller wants to know how Trump reacted to news stories in The Washington Post. What he thought of FBI Director James Comey during the transition. What was the purpose of a statement he made to Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business Network. What he meant by various tweets about Comey. How he feels about his attorney general.



  1. Rosenstein is the real criminal.Mueller and Comes are his accomplices

  2. Rosenstein is a part of Chabad Mafia.
    He works for the people who "keep control" of The Donald


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