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Monday, May 07, 2018

Richards' Legacy in Planned Parenthood's Cult of Death

The abortion mill's erstwhile president oversaw the termination of more than 3.5 million lives.

“After her final day as president of abortion provider Planned Parenthood Monday, thousands of people took to social media to celebrate Cecile Richards and thank her for killing 3.5 million people during her tenure.” Or at least that’s the way The Babylon Bee satirically “reported” this week. The Bee went on, “The nation offered kind remarks on Richards’ positive attitude, support for women’s rights, and ruthless genocidal efficiency.”

In reality, Richards was celebrated by abortion advocates and Planned Parenthood supporters who gushed on social media over her contributions to the organization.

Reflecting on her catastrophic tenure, Richards opined, “12 years ago, I almost didn’t go to the job interview at Planned Parenthood. I had a long list of reasons why I wasn’t qualified. So I did what any grown woman would do: I called my mom. [Former Texas Gov.] Ann Richards wasn’t having it — she told me to get a grip, and thank goodness she did!”

“Thank goodness”?

It must be nice to have had an opportunity to live a full life and reach out to her mom for guidance. Except Richards denied this same right to millions of innocent babies over the last 12 years — children who never got a chance to gaze lovingly into either of their parents’ eyes, much less ask for advice.

Sure, we’re often told that Planned Parenthood is an organization whose primary mission is to provide women’s health services, but its website offers an in-clinic abortion service as though one were simply dropping an item in an Amazon shopping cart..

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1 comment:

  1. Down the road, at some point, Democrats in general, and Cecile Richards as well, will be held in the same horror and disgrace as reserved for Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao and other mass murderers. What's worse is they didn't murder political opponents or members of other tribes. They conspired to murder unborn children yet to draw a breath.

    Words of condemnation that match the gravity of the offense are tough to speak or write.


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