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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Report: 5 out of 6 Prisoners Rearrested Within 9 Years

New analysis suggests rate of recidivism higher than previously thought

Eighty-three percent of state-level prisoners were rearrested within nine years of their release, according to a new analysisreleased by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).

Of that group, 68 percent had their first rearrest within three years of release. Seventy-nine percent were first rearrested within six years; 83 percent were rearrested within nine years.

The new analysis tracked a representative sample made up of more than 67,000 state-level prisoners released in 2005 across 30 states. State prisons account for about 61 percent of the population of correctional facilities in America; the 30 states surveyed by the BJS in turn represent about 77 percent of the state-level prison population.

The BJS's new analysis adds to its previously released reports, which measured the recidivism for the same cohort but over a shorter time-span, specifically three and five years. Those analyses found lower, but still high, rates of rearrest than the longer-running study did.



  1. Going to prison should be a just and reasonable means of punishment, but is, instead, an fight for life every day.
    Raped, stabbed, maimed, killed.
    Prison should be like the military. NO constitutional rights.
    It should also be a placed where debt to society can be paid without being raped every day. Or beaten. Or extorted.

    No wonder so many come out with an inability to integrate back into society.

    The "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime" BS is just that --- it ain't "the time", it's the environment we make people do time in that is the problem.
    And for all the perfect Nazi's who have never, and never will, do ANYTHING wrong, you better consider the thousands of people released from years in prison (even death row) because they were INNOCENT.
    They still had to fight like animals.

    Keep cheering.

    1. partly true

      jail life is made too easy

      I retired from D.O.C. after 25 years working in Administrations

      inmates have access to air conditioned cells, Cable and Dish Network T.V., Gym areas that make general public gyms look sad, movies every weekend with pizza and soda's, Ice Cream cones, Education up to a PHD, , and the list goes on...

      Going to jail,
      in inmates minds,

      much better than working in society for a living

      That's why most return to prison

      Club Med

    2. 537 Snowflake triggered

  2. Some of my friends fall in this category.However,lately things have changed.They go from prison to a halfway house & then to a job that the coordinator finds for them.Say what you like,but Trump has enabled this dynamic to find jobs by lowering taxes.As long as their crime wasn't something god awful,local employers hire them,especially in retail stockrooms where they have very little contact with the public.Currently things are looking up & the return rate should drop.I personally believe Trump took them into consideration when the tax reduction was introduced,because they're removed from the taxpayer expenses.And by the way,they WANT TO WORK vs going back to prison.

  3. Its called the "Clinton Effect". When a crime family like that operates with impunity out in the open well, other criminals figure, "Hay, why not me too"?

  4. Maryland has been fudging the real statistics for years...much worse than you think...

  5. And they still call it the Department of Corrections, as if their record for correcting is anything to brag about.

  6. Report: 5 out of 6 Prisoners Rearrested Within 9 Years

    This is exactly why Obama was wrong releasing "non-violent offenders" who happened to be his black buddies. No matter what the crime, they will get locked up over and over again. It's in their DNA to commit crime.

  7. Anonymous said...
    partly true

    jail life is made too easy

    I retired from D.O.C. after 25 years working in Administrations

    inmates have access to air conditioned cells, Cable and Dish Network T.V., Gym areas that make general public gyms look sad, movies every weekend with pizza and soda's, Ice Cream cones, Education up to a PHD, , and the list goes on...

    Going to jail,
    in inmates minds,

    much better than working in society for a living

    That's why most return to prison

    Club Med

    May 29, 2018 at 8:12 PM

    I think you are 100% correct and I respect your opinion. As a matter of fact I would call it an expert opinion compared to "lmclain."

    I think this is what lmclain was saying and I agree. Anyone going to prison shouldn't have to fight for thier lives. They shouldn't have to fear being raped by perverted men in prison. The problem thugs in prison should be isolated to a cage in order to protect the better prisoners. Also prison should be club med. No AC, no free education other than GED, no TV other than two locals and PBS. And especially no gyms. Why should the prisoners work every day to get stronger and overpower the corrections officers or the weaker prisoners?

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    partly true

    jail life is made too easy

    I retired from D.O.C. after 25 years working in Administrations

    inmates have access to air conditioned cells, Cable and Dish Network T.V., Gym areas that make general public gyms look sad, movies every weekend with pizza and soda's, Ice Cream cones, Education up to a PHD, , and the list goes on...

    Going to jail,
    in inmates minds,

    much better than working in society for a living

    That's why most return to prison

    Club Med

    May 29, 2018 at 8:12 PM

    People go to prison AS punishment. They are not sent there to receive punishment. That's why you and your ilk will never understand. You seem to forget they are "supposed" to be rehabilitated in prison. Do you even know what that word means? I don't think you do since the efforts to make them better citizens while incarcerated (the rehab part) is mocked by you.

    Guards, such as yourself, are employed there as babysitters. Mainly to prevent them from escaping, and if you don't mind, to keep them from raping and killing each other. Most guards have no training, much less a degree, in human behavior.

    Our prison/justice system has been a failure from its inception. They succeed in getting undesirables off the streets but that's about it. State prison recidivism rates have always been dismal while federal prisons are somewhat better, mainly due to how they treat, house and educate federal prisoners. Rehab.

    What most fail to realize or remember is that no matter how long you lock people up, the majority of them will be released one day. Now, which type of person would you rather walk out of that prison and back into society? The one made better by education and reasonable respect while in prison or the one constantly being "punished", no education, made to feel like scum and being made to fight to survive?

    We have done it wrong for over 200 years. We are only now attempting to do it the right/better way. They already know how to go to prison, they need to be taught how to stay out of prison.


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