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Thursday, May 03, 2018

Rep. Todd Rokita: Overlooking Comey’s Potential Crimes ‘Cannot be Tolerated’

While James Comey jet sets across the country selling books and espousing misinformation about our President, he is hiding from the truth.

Comey, like many other Obama appointees, including Hillary Clinton and Loretta Lynch, has ignored our laws and have gotten away with it. This bypass of due diligence has been dismissively overlooked due to their connections to high-powered, politically-connected friends. This cannot be tolerated. The truth must prevail and justice must be served.

Today, we see the law ignored for the political elite while they are being bestowed with special treatment and free passes. This became abundantly clear in the waning years of the Obama era, where officials across our government ignored or violated our laws. This has not stopped them from continuing on in their practices, care-free of further inquiry or investigation.



  1. No problem. Agree 100%....as long as the same rules apply to crooked Donald.

  2. It will be tolerated because they work for the richest people on the planet.
    The government works for these rich banking families, not the "People".
    That is the way it has been since 1913 and will remain that way for the foreseeable future.

    Any questions?

  3. Where the proofs of wrongdoing are clearly evident with Clinton and Comey, they're not with Trump.

  4. Lock him up, he admitted leaking classified info!

  5. I voted for Trump because he was the only choice I had. But you guys are worshipping this rich actor who got a cool $ Million to invest as a young man. Good for him. But he really wasn’t all that successful. You or I would have done pretty darn well too if we had that kind of help from our well connected father.

    He is a very flawed human being. His own worst enemy in many ways. He says crazy things half of the time.

    Stop worshipping him

  6. 9:22 God bless America's Saviour, President Donald Trump! He was truly sent to us by God to save this country from the great Muslim Satan and his followers!


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