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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Recreational Cannabis Consumers Use Less Alcohol, Pain Meds, Sleep Aids: Report

A recent report on consumer habits suggests recreational cannabis users rely less on alcohol, over the counter pain medications, and sleep aids.

According to the Recreational Cannabis Consumer report conducted by High Yield Insights, a consumer analysis firm, “Recreational consumers report using cannabis products for a variety of reasons, from relaxation to pain relief to sleep assistance, putting cannabis in direct competition with alcohol and pharmaceuticals.” The firm’s press release adds that “[c]onsumers also express greater demand for convenient cannabis product formats such as edibles and “pre-rolls” (premade marijuana cigarettes). “

The specific statistics are not insignificant. As the release notes, “[o]ver 20% of recreational consumers report using lower amounts of over-the-counter pain medications (-27%), sleep aids (-22%) and alcoholic beverages, including spirits (-21%) and beer (-20%).”

Mike Luce, co-founder of High Yield Insights, said:

“We are just starting to grasp how legalization has impacted consumer behavior, be it spending, usage occasions, or shopping habits. Understanding these changes will lead to new growth opportunities for cannabis and further disruption for other categories.”



  1. The drug and alcohol sales fall and the makers don't like that?

  2. Because they are Stoned!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Id quit smoking cigarettes now if were legal

  4. BS. Ask them how they are doing in later years of life. Push pot if you want - but stop the lying!!

  5. Wait a minute, big business has been blocking this for decades and have reaped the bennies. Now they will b*tch/moan and cry poor since pot is the preferred method to cure depression!!

    I must be running low on my CNN/MSNBC intake, because many things are becoming more and more clear...like reality!

    Get me more Wolf Blitzer and Rachel Madcow - STAT!!!!

    (snicker snicker!)

  6. We will all wish we were stoned before this is over.

  7. Hey a 812 how many people died from pot? how many people die from ophites, alcohol, prescripstion drugs? who's been fighting legalization? pharmaceutical industry!! Why is that... it's a natural cure for alot of ailments. WTFU IDIOT


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