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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Pediatricians Urged to Warn Vulnerable Kids Away from '13 Reasons Why' Netflix Series

A report in the journal Pediatrics warns that watching "13 Reasons Why," a popular Netflix series about a teen girl's suicide, may be inadvisable for some youngsters.

Mental health professionals have raised alarms that the series - which closes with a graphic depiction of the main character killing herself - could push other young people toward suicide. The second season of the show will air on May 18, while the first season remains available on Netflix.

In an article titled, "13 Things Pediatricians Should Know (and do) About 13 Reasons Why," Dr. Michael B. Pitt and colleagues of the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital in Minneapolis encourage doctors to warn vulnerable young patients - and their parents - away from the show.

"The first thing that we have been surprised by is how few of our colleagues even know about this show," Pitt told Reuters Health by email.



  1. I tell my liberal friends to watch it.

  2. why is it on the air? have they no discretion?


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