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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

O'Malley Lies

More lies from O'Malley. Nothing about the officer in Baltimore that was shot by a 16 year old. He is worried about the children in the school being shot, as we all are, but not the ones that protect them.


  1. Who is Martin OweMalley?

  2. Martin O'Malley is a crumb!

  3. I thought he died?

  4. omalley a democrat and ALL democrats LIE constantly. democrats are nothing but garbage that resembles human beings. democrats have zero good qualities and have not ever and will not ever contribute anything positive to society.

  5. Was she shot? Other media is reporting she was intentionally run over. One thug has already been arrested. A 16 yr old out of the projects-Gilmore Homes.

  6. OweMallery is a Killary hemorrhoid

  7. Apparently Martin didn't get the memo that explained that the President's comment was edited to sound that way by the Liberal media, when his true remark was solely about MS-13, whose members do exactly fit the criteria of being predatory animals.

    One more reason not to have O'Malley in politics anymore.

  8. Why believe in the truth when lies are much more fun?

    Mr Bob

  9. In a city with very strict gun laws! So please explain what more laws will do for the children and ill sell you some beach front property in Nevada for a hell of a deal!

  10. Just go play your guitar in your garage and enjoy your life

  11. He is trying to protect these liberal Democrats that assisted him in driving Maryland that much deeper with his broken policies.

  12. We did get our state when we got rid of O'Malley Otaxi

  13. Why stop the rain when I can tax it.

  14. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.


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