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Friday, May 18, 2018

Ocean City Maryland Is In Fact Shooting Themselves In The Foot

Why don't they just say, WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE ANY MORE?

The word will spread so fast, no one will want to return next year. Last week, (Bike Week) they jumbled at least 4 major events together, as if they are so desperate to bring in income/taxes, desperation.

I can tell you first hand that one of our employees took over an hour to get from mid OC to West OC yesterday. It is just about impossible to get around with the construction and now reduced speed limits. 

Knowing about the new changes, will you be coming to Ocean City any time soon?


  1. So don't exceed the speed limit

  2. Not me,I'm not taking a chance on getting a $530 ticket. There are plenty of events I can attend elsewhere where my business is appreciated.

  3. Tell "Your" employee that the fine will be Doubled $$$$ to $1000.

  4. Oh contrare, they DO want them there....so they can ROB them, its called highway robbery/speed traps and they have the backing of a corrupt bias judge and greedy politicians to back them. Safety and traffic flow are just excuses for their corrupt actions.

  5. Coming north yesterday evening, I spotted 4 cars pulled over by police. Not a single one looked like a participating vehicle. Going south in the morning, I only saw a single sign posting 30 MPH (it's normally 40). Why even have these big orange illuminated signs announcing the Event Zone if they can't post the speed limit on them as well? What's with "Higher Fines"?

    1. Can you READ or you are going to fast to see the Speed ?

  6. I dislike Ocean City any time of the year, too much traffic and too pricey. This for sure will sway me from ever visiting or going anywhere near there.

  7. Nope. Looking at SC and DE

  8. Rain will keep away lots of cruisers this weekend. The same gray haired cruisers who always bring lots of $$$ to spend. Amazing how a few "local" complaints have made a very good revenue generator almost extinct in the eyes of City Hall. $50 trailer fees, harassment from locals and Leo's, less cars in the in-let last year...maybe it is time to find another location...a location who'd welcome CASH!

    I live here too Joe and make the best lemonade I can out of a bunch of lemons. A bunch of us know where to go an when and stay away from the other areas during high season. The beaches are always crowded, coastal highway will be the worst ever this summer but one place is never crowded - the Bayside! Very few boats during the week, few yahoo's on weekends/holidays, never ever any traffic! Right now, the bayside is the savings grace - until OC messes that up too!!!

    Raining at 9:09am and in the inlet is EMPTY (minus the staged/corporate trucks! Should be interesting since its also PREAKNESS weekend too!!!

  9. Good morning,

    I have lived in OC for the last decade (uptown/bayside) and can tell you what we experienced last year was positively obnoxious. Owning property and living in OC comes with the realization that some events are going to impact residents, and for the most part every owner I know just takes it all in stride. Last year, however, was far and beyond anything we had ever seen (and that was BEFORE the H2Oi issue). While the vast majority of cruisers (bikes/cars) are very respectful, there was a ridiculous amount that were not last year. The fates were sealed when the H2Oi folks came to town. Legislation is not drafted over minor incidents, and there were a multitude of complaints prior to the H2Oi thing. Regardless, the message is very clear in OC - obey the law or take the fine.



    1. The was no H2OI last year. Why the slander?

    2. Yes very out of control...... especially when cops hit pedestrians.....

    3. Agreed 10:59, as the H2oi event was not sanctioned by the town, and because of this many took to “taking over the town” to show their displeasure. I understand the organizer of the event went to great lengths to discourage this, but it occurred none the less. Slander was not the intent, but rather a recognition of factual events.



  10. I go as infrequently as I can - and almost never during touron season!

    Knowing now that they really don't want to respect the income generating public - I'll figure out a way to go even less!

  11. And the actual speed isn't posted in town eitger

  12. they double charged him for the same infraction?

    1. They JUST passed a NEW Ordinance....it's DOUBLED.

  13. I don't go to OC nor will I for the foreseeable future... During the summer months it is a mad house there... This is also just another way to tax you slaves!!!! How can you be charged twice for the same infraction??? That is what I take from what the ticket says... You went 41 MPH in a 30 MPH zone, which is bogus to begin with... I hardly doubt you were going exactly 41, and this is just what cops do to up the ticket fee, by putting you in the next category... If you don't believe me, go FOIA speeding tickets and you will see the pattern... Then they try to get you for the same speeding in a special event zone??? That is just made up crap to tax you more...

    At this point they mind as well get you for putting rubber on the road, becasue every time you drive, you leave a little bit of rubber on the road... Just like they charge for rain now!!!! That is how asinine OC and the surrounding areas has gotten..

    And to answer the guys question, NO THEY DO NOT WANT YOU IN OC any more... The mayor said it on the radio in an interview he did... He specifically said he doesn't want, hope you all won't come back...

  14. Once the tourists come, I'm done...with OC. It becomes just another overcrowded city every summer. Not a place I want to visit. Used to be a fun place. Now its just a pain to get there, a pain while you're there, and a pain when you try to leave, All while draining every last cent from your wallet, in the process. All city people do is trade one packed, overcrowded, crime ridden city for another of their own creation. They can have it. The only ones that want them here are the ones who make money off of them.

  15. How hard is it to drive 30 mph?

  16. It's all about the money they know how to spend it but nothing about a budget. They wanted SHA to do a fake road closures so they could charge more for fines but they laughed at it and said that's illegal so they made up this special event law to do it.

  17. Run for Mayor and change the way the city is run. Those city people from NJ, PA and across the Bridge are use to traffic conditions.

    By the way that does seem a very excessive fine BUT had your employee been driving 30 MPH in a MPH zone, there would have been no fine.

    Strange, people think those who cross a border illegally are breaking the law, but a person driving over the speed limit is not breaking the law.

    If this person is employed in OC and has been driving to work, why suddenly did he/she not know the speed limit or the construction areas.

    Sorry sweetpea - blame yourself. Take it to Court and you can probably get a reduction in fine - unless this is one of many fines you have received by an OC or MD LEO.

  18. Went there last might. Ate at Mothers Cantons and then saw Peter No one at convention center. Nice night.

  19. I agree with 9:25. Boycott OC for 2 summers and go south to the Carolinas they are more friendly and less crowed. OC will get the message. I have been boycotting OC for several years and the last 4 years I have not even went for Fischer's popcorn during off season.

  20. If you like the beach head to South Carolina Myrtle Beach down to Murrell's Inlet! Visit the "Dead Dog Saloon" awesome food and live entertainment while overlooking the bay....just a beautiful area for year round pleasure!

  21. 9:34....very hard to drive that speed when you have nuts running so close to your rear that all you see is their windshield. You have to speed up a little to avoid getting ass struck.
    Signed: The Rifleman

  22. I can go to an all inclusive resort out of the country cheaper than Ocean City.

  23. Nope. Been going Spring & Fall for 13 years. Never got a ticket. Started to get frustrated a few years ago with the trailer rules making it very difficult for a family traveling 5 hours. Heard of the new laws going into effect a few months ago.
    Reservations for Spring: Cancelled
    Reservations for Fall: Cancelled
    Reservations for vacation this summer: Cancelled

  24. All the bs will make the event move and let's see how much of the loose .

  25. 10:01
    He never once said it was his employee that got the ticket. Think logically. IF it took that long to get from point A to point B there would be no way they could be speeding. The ticket was from another person that was attending the Cruisin Event.

  26. If they ticketed for exposed ass cracks, they'd make even more money.

    1. Or the Homeless that will be now setting up shop on the broadwalk scratching there crusty feet and ass kinda like what Daburys new ampatheatre is going to plus shootings.

  27. Correct there was no sponsored H2O event last year because however the little punks showed up anyway and created a terrible experience for many. Stupid look little fart cars get a real car.

  28. Drive the event speed limit that's all that was asked. 11 miles over the speed limit got this person a ticket so what's the problem. The law was broken plain and simple no question about it. Are the police supposed to turn their heads and allow people to get out of control what is exactly what's happened in the past? Not hardly! I commend the police departments for closely monitoring the event to keep everyone safe.

  29. Looks like the law was broken forcing the police officer to do his job. I imagine if the driver were traveling 30-35 everything would have been fine but this is what happens when you do what you want not following the rules. I have no pity here.

  30. Please hire parking lot attendants for inlet lot. At $3.00 an hour you can afford to. Of course revenue would be lost from mailing out violation penalties. Oh, so sorry guess I missed the point.

  31. i can't even afford the parking
    Will miss Thrashers only

  32. Went there Thursday afternoon did not see any posted speed limit signs any where.why couldn’t they be on the special event zone signs?just a way to generate more revenue. I’m very disappointed in my elected officials. I’m not going to spend anymore of my money in oc!

    1. The signs were being installed at approximately 7 am and I noted several on both sides of the roadway.



  33. I think you all missed the best part. This person should be commended for still owning an El Camino.

  34. Raising the fines is one thing, that much is just uncalled for. It is telling every venue to find somewhere else.


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