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Friday, May 04, 2018

No More Counting Slugbugs


  1. survival of the fittest. most of these mental midgets I know that ride these things are just that!

    1. 6:56-What a sad comment. The fact is, most of you idiots are the ones running into bikers because you can barely drive a car.

    2. 6:56 - All the motorcyclists I know & ride with, also know how to form a sentence and use capilization.
      Tell us more about your mental midget theory. I’m sure we’re all just dying to read more from you.

  2. My kids call them "organ donors".

  3. @6:56 AM, Way to own them. They are coming out of the woodwork. They just do not realize many, many motorcyclists ride like idiots. Plus they think just because they are on a bicycle with a motor on it, it makes them an instant tough guy. Watch them when they come to a stop light. They look at the cars to see if they are looking at them. Such ego's.


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