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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

N.F.L. owners agreed to a new national anthem policy: Teams will be fined if players kneel on the field or sidelines

The owners of N.F.L. teams agreed on Wednesday to a new policy for player conduct during the playing of the national anthem, an issue escalated last season into a national debate that involved President Trump.

Commissioner Roger Goodell said that owners voted to fine teams if their players are on the field or sidelines but do not stand during the national anthem, though players will be allowed to stay in the locker room if they choose.


  1. This is a step in the right direction, but should have a penalty for not being on the field and standing.
    Fire the overpaid ass wipe!!

  2. WAY too little, WAY too late!!! This is an absolute JOKE!!!

  3. Not good enough for me. I will never attend, listen, watch or buy memorabilia as long as they do not have to be on the field and respect the American flag. These players should be fired. You would be in your job and it is not considered "free speech." The owners are weak and allow disrespect but don't allow certain hits on the field. You can't have it both ways so they get none of my money or attention. All these protestors walking around with signs are not the ones that support the NFL. They cannot afford the cost of attending. They are not watching games while out walking the streets. Where are they getting their memorabilia? They probably don't even have a job.

  4. Amen to this...about time!

  5. To little to late.they will continue to cave to thes ingrates bye bye. Did not watch last year and still wont

  6. I think it hurt the pocket book

  7. This just shows how cowardly the owners are. I will not watch nor will I ever purchase any more NFL gear.

  8. No tax dollars to the NFL or owners for any reason. Then ban them from tax payer funded / owned stadiums.

  9. Still not going to watch.

  10. They had no choice about this matter.
    Good decision.

  11. TV stopped showing the anthem protests by midseason. Why? NO ONE CARED and the ratings showed! Sorry NFL golden spooned OLD owners - you still don't get it. People don't care about your private club anymore and they aren't watching, NOR attending like they used to. But keep thinking otherwise and create penalties for players not honoring the anthem.

    Better yet, if you want honor and respect - fine those FANS who continue to talk during the anthem! That's truly a lack of country respect!

  12. They had a choice it should have been stopped from the beginning. There are plenty of athletes that would be honored to take the field in their place. The NFL is a business not a personal platform for the Kapernicks of this world. So should cops be allowed to wear confederate flags on their uniforms while on duty. Should teachers educate your child on religious issues. No there is a time and a place for everything. Black entitlement is out of control. The NBA has had a policy in place for years you stand or you do not play. I watch college ball now. It is getting hard to watch. Certain teams do not care what kind of thug the dress for games. Enough is enough.


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