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Monday, May 28, 2018

Nearly 2 Years After Deadly Flood, Ellicott City, Other Areas Struck In Deluge

Gov. Larry Hogan has declared a state of emergency for Ellicott City, where heavy rain is flooding parts the city. A flash flood warning was put into effect for much of the Baltimore area.

Go Here to see much more.


  1. Unfortunately this will continue to occur. Unbridled development without adequate runoff planning causes these issues. In the case of Ellicott City, there are stream confluences that come together and are funneled into a several hundred yard underground drain that makes its way to the Patapsco finally emptying beside Main St. under the railroad bridge. The engineering is suspect and this is why you see buildings like Caplans with a torrent of water pouring through them from behind. The little culvert can not handle even 4 inches of rain let alone 10. Millions of dollars are being thrown away to placate angry residents and throw a temporary patch on the problem to kick it down the road. Waste.

  2. Time to quit rebuilding, leave and turn this place into a ghost town amusement.

  3. Upstream development has really disrupted the water shed. This use to only happen every hundred years if that.

  4. I don't wish any disaster on anyone, but have you ever been to Ellicott City? It's in a ravine, with steep hills on two sides. I'm not that smart, but water runs downhill. Well Howard County is run by liberals, so they will use other peoples money and build it right back where it was. Just sayin.

  5. Many of these buildings back right up to the rock face and actually have rooms and basements carved into it. It becomes a big sluice. This is modern problem though otherwise this town would not have existed along has it has.

  6. Definition of insanity, same thing over and over expecting a different result.

  7. It didn’t used to rain 8 inches in a few hours.
    This town is experiencing 500 year floods every 2 years!

    Got weather modification?

  8. 3:08 Seriously? You believe it didn’t used to rain 8 inches in a few hours?? Who told you this, Al Gore?? You’re an imbecile my friend. Get an education.

  9. It was a mill town. Built to harness the power of the river. There was industry, not dress shops and antique stores. It once produced something, now it just hawks Chinese made goods. It is an allegory for our times.

  10. 515
    The Weather Channel has reported that these 2 floods are 500 year floods.
    What are you missing?

    The commenter re-stated the facts. It did NOT used to rain 8 inches in a few hours.
    At least not in Ellicot City MD.

    Wake up my man.

  11. Founded in 1772 and flooded 18 times since.

    What a lie a 1000 year flood. Reality is a 20 year flood.

    Many were worse than this one.

    They should run a pipe through where the street now is and put dirt over it. Cover up 15 feet. Other cities have done this in the past. Then rebuild from there.

    Regardless they should not expect money from others. They were the idiots who built or rented knowing every 20 years or so they would be flooded out.

    A system to warn would have turned on in a few days. This proves they knew they were in flood danger.


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