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Friday, May 18, 2018

NANCY? Pelosi gibberish, bizarre laughing; stares off during brain freeze

What’s wrong with Nancy Pelosi?

During her weekly press conference, the House Minority Leader — whom some speculate will be the next Speaker of the House if Democrats recapture the majority this November — was seen uttering gibberish, bizarrely laughing and staring off mid-sentence before re-engaging the press during the appearance.

Pelosi accused U.S. farmers of “self-inflicted damage,” resulting from proposed tariffs by the Trump administration, before having to fix the statement she read from her notes.

“Farmers are struggling with plummeting prices, great economic uncertainty, and self-inflicted damage of the Trump tariffs. I say self, self— for our country,” she said.

Then she had trouble even getting the words out of her mouth.



  1. These people need to be evaluated every 2 yrs and if two terms is good enough for the president it's good enough for these Idiots.

  2. Dementia ridden nightmare

  3. Waiter.....I'll have what she's having tonight.
    Must be the herbs.

  4. I've been around coke heads all of my life,and Nancy is one.

  5. I hope they keep showing her and auntie Maxine. It will help us in November.

  6. No worries, she's prepping her insanity/bad health plea as her sealed indictment fast approaches.

  7. What is wrong with our Government keeping
    someone with her evident problem in office?
    This is insane! She is a danger to America.

  8. Got MK Ultra?



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