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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

NAACP leader who slammed cop for racist abuse in traffic stop is exposed

An NAACP leader who claimed he was racially profiled during a traffic stop has been accused of lying after police released bodycam footage of the incident.

Timmonsville Police Chief Billy Brown accused Rev. Jerrod Moultrie, the president of the local NAACP, of trying to stir up racial unrest after the newly released video appeared to contradict his claims.

'I was shocked that someone who is supposed to be a community leader, a pastor, and head of the NAACP would just come out and tell a blatant lie,' Brown told The Blaze.



  1. WE need a law to protect people from false racism claims. False claims are a hate crime

  2. False claims are against law so lock his ass up regardless of what they are so what hes a pastor so hes probably a child molester to just saying

    1. the NAACP should be held culpable to every Police Officers murder

      They spread police hatred to the blacks in cities

  3. This is the one and only reason this RACIST organization exists. They are corrupt to the core obviously. Look who's running it.

  4. Now, lets see if anything happens to that "Rev./NAACP" leader. I would bet nothing will happen.

  5. This turd should be handcuffed out front of their local "coat" house for 30 days and let that be his profiling. The police don't care what vehicle he drives, nor does anyone else. He didn't even have the correct "mit" and the good officer cut him a break. I guess the officer was wrong after all. He should have arrested the turd's bad self.

  6. Indeed 836 and the outcry for body cams by those stating they've been racially profiled is now backfiring right in their faces! Body cams are expensive and the screaming to have them added a pricey cost that now is exposing the lying/deceit imposed by the one's who wanted them.

    See how fast the NAACP screams that body cams are now racists.


  7. Body cams have backfired on the NAACP and others who always make false/racist claims against the police. They do expose their lies and also expose the occasional bad cop which is a good thing for all people.
    Just a few weeks ago a "commissioner" in New Jersey was fired for making false claims against a policemen. And yes, she was white and the cameras are revealing the lies people make against the honest policemen and women who are doing their jobs.

  8. Add another face card to the race card deck.

  9. Everything the left touches backfires on them 10:06.

  10. Maybe he was referring to his great, great, great, great grandparents....like Jackson and Sharpton do repeatedly! Cry racists and see what sticks.

  11. Cry racists and see what sticks. Only thing that ever sticks is SH*T!


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